fic: the date.

Jul 22, 2010 02:50

Title: The Date (2/?)
Author: twoletterwords
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None to be found here.
Chapter Summary: Reid and Luke are on their way to Chicago.
Comments: Thank you for the positive feedback to the first part! Sorry this is so short but it felt like an end at the end. Comments and concrit welcome!
Disclaimer: Wish they were mine but they aren't.

Part One.

Luke had experienced a lot of firsts with Reid.

There were things they did together that he could never have done with Noah. Luke had always felt guilty when he had those thoughts. It wasn’t that he was diminishing the type of relationship he had had with Noah but the truth was, there were a lot of things that Noah never wanted to do.

Reid was older, more experienced, and so comfortable with himself and his sexuality that there were few things that he hadn’t done before.

But, Reid had some firsts with Luke too.

Reid was pretty adamant about using condoms. Not only was he a doctor but also he was a bit of a germophobe and regularly practiced safe sex. Even in past relationships (all two of them), he never, ever considered having sex without a condom. But with Luke, he became open to the idea. Luke had only ever been with Noah and Luke told Reid that they practiced safe sex with no slips. After both Luke and Reid got tested for every conceivable sexually transmitted disease and they both tested negative for everything, Reid had sex for the first time without a condom.

That was a pretty great first for them both and great was probably an understatement.

Tonight, Reid was taking Luke to Chicago to experience his first gay club.

Reid wasn’t really a clubbing kind of guy. Everyone at those clubs wanted one thing and one thing only. That didn’t appeal to someone who had a fear of germs. But, he was only human and even neurosurgeons needed to get laid. Reid told Luke the story about his club experience while they were on the road to Chicago.

“Come on. You have to tell me. Are we going to the same club that you went to?”

“Yes,” Reid said without taking his eyes off the road.

“What did he look like?”


“That’s not really as descriptive as you think it is.”

Reid chuckled and quickly glanced over at him. “Do you really want to know what it was like?” Luke nodded but also muttered a ‘yes’. “All right. I was in Chicago for a medical convention and between seminars and the floor show, I had a little time to kill.”

“I hope to never go to one of those, by the way. Well, unless they’re in Hawaii or California or -“

“I’m about to rescind my offer.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll shut up.” Out of the corner of his eye, Reid could see him holding his hands up in surrender so Reid continued with his story.

“I’m not really that familiar with Chicago but, as a joke, someone in Dallas sent me a list of gay clubs and bars. My small group of friends didn’t think that I went out enough and they were joking about me just not wanting to go out with them. So, they sent me that list before I went to say that maybe I’d go out if I were in another city.”

“You have a small group of friends somewhere?” Luke just had to make one more comment and when Reid glared over, Luke just smirked.

“Keep going, Mr. Synder. You’re one comment away from never, ever hearing this story.” Once he heard nothing from the passenger side, he continued. “I was checking my e-mail in the hotel room and I went back to that list. It was late, I wanted a drink, and I was horny.”

Luke knew that this story was just about to get better and felt a twinge of arousal.

“I went to the first club on the list and it was everything that I remember from my first club experience when I was still in med school. It was loud, there were way too many obnoxious, self-important assholes walking around like they had the biggest cocks in the room, and every few feet someone would grab my ass or my cock. That really isn’t as appealing as you think it’d be.”

“I’m surprised that they didn’t receive the ‘get away from me’ signals that radiate from you,” the comment should’ve stung but Luke placed his hand on Reid’s shoulder and gave him an affectionate squeeze.

“Certain rates of rhythm like those emitted with loud, pulsating club music can build up recordable abnormalities of brain function sufficient enough to produce temporary impaired judgment. So, that’s understandable.”

“On with the story, Dr. Oliver,” Luke deadpanned. One joke about the brain and it was back in the operating room for Reid even when talking about getting groped in a club.

“Uh, right. So, I managed to make it to the bar and some guy bought me a drink. That guy went straight for me as I was drinking it and we started talk … well, you can’t really call it talking. We checked each other out and then it was either we get into a shouting match or we get out of there. We got out of there. I took him back to the hotel and then we fucked. The end.”

“Reid!” Luke exclaimed, slapping Reid’s thigh.

“Hey! I’m driving.”

“I know. You just avoided a punch. You can’t end there. ‘We fucked. The end.’ I’m asking for details.” Luke’s hand stayed on Reid’s thigh, resting there for now but for Reid it was pretty noticeable.

“Details or tips?”


“Are you asking for details about how I fucked some guy or are you looking for tips on how to pick up guys when we get there?” Reid’s tone became hard and Luke can see that he probably pushed this too far. But, Luke also knew that getting Reid jealous could be really hot. There was a fine line between playing with Reid’s insecurities and getting him jealous enough that he cured it by fucking Luke.

“Reid,” Luke’s tone was gentle but not enough that he thought he was coddling him. “I just thought that you telling me this story could be good foreplay for us. You know, get us both a little hot and bothered before we’re in a room with other men who may or may not want us.” Luke’s hand moved from Reid’s thigh to his side and gave his waist a squeeze.

“Oh, they’ll want you,” Reid was pretty sure that Luke didn’t know what he was in for. But, they’ll both find out soon enough.

“They can want all they want but I’m with you,” Luke said confidently.

Reid smiled but tried to keep it down. He’d been upset only seconds before the comment but like always, Luke broke through that emotion. “All right so, we made it back my hotel room, and I asked him his name again before we started kissing,” Reid continued with the story and Luke’s hand slipped into his free one, lacing their fingers together. “We went to bed and he gave me this half hand job, half blow job combination that felt good. I think at that point I hadn’t had sex in a year so anything probably would’ve felt good.”

Luke thought that a year wasn’t really that long but he kept that to himself.

“Then, I reciprocated because as you know, I’m a giver.” Luke laughed when he said it but it was true. “I got hard again and then I fucked him. It was only memorable because it was the first time that I had sex in a year, first time I’d been back in a club, and first time in a long time that I engaged in anonymous sex. That’s what I remember most about it.”

Whatever details Reid didn’t give him, Luke let his overactive imagination compensate for his lack of words. He could see all of this in his head. He could see this blond going down on his boyfriend, touching his boyfriend’s cock, and then his boyfriend fucking this guy. Okay, now he was the jealous one.

“What happened after? Did he stay?”

“He stayed until morning and then he left. I never saw him again and a few years after that, I was blackmailed by this incredibly hot guy, dragged to Oakdale, and the rest is history. And we’re almost there,” Reid pointed to the sign that welcomed them to Chicago.

Luke’s hand squeezed Reid’s when he saw the sign. He felt anxious and nervous at the thought of what they were about to do together. But, he was also excited and eager.

“You okay?” Reid asked when Luke went silent. Luke rarely went silent.

Luke looked over at Reid and took in a deep breath. The more that he stared at the man that he loved, the more he felt confident and assured that he was going to be okay tonight. No matter what happened, Reid would be with him, and that meant everything to him.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Reid squeezed his hand now and Luke smiled.

The lights of the city began to surround them, the sounds of traffic filled in the silence, and out there was another first that Luke was going to share with Reid.

!author|artist: twoletterwords, fan fiction

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