Introducing myself :)

Apr 27, 2010 02:17

Name:  Krissay

Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Age: 21

What other shows do you like to watch?:  Law and Order, Law and Order: SVU, 3 News, Wizards of Waverly Place

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?:  The way Luke is alot happier around Reid, and how Reid is happy around him - they both 'sparkle' around each other - they balance each other's personalities and habits, they make ATWT alot better than the old NO-ah crap and other shitty storylines Luke's been in *_*

How did you find out about this group?: through the Lure Online website and Youtube.

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?: I make gif's (animations)

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?:  Nope. Only focused on Luke/Reid, without them I wouldn't be watching this 'ehhhh' show.

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):  'oh my god, you're sitting down?!' < reid to luke (thats all i can remember LOL)

!!intro post

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