FIFTH ANNIVERSARY - LuRe Rewatch: September 7 - September 17

Oct 09, 2015 23:38

The journey continues...

Hey guys.

I know that tldreamer has only done the LuRe rewatch till September 3rd and I totally understand that. After that episode it gets almost unspeakably worse. But honestly.... I really wanna talk about it... or better said "write" about it. Because I dare to say that this TERRIBLE ending is the ONLY REASON that we are still here today...that the LuRe fandom lived on, even 5 years after the show ended. And you know why? Because good things always come out of bad things. If LuRe had gotten their happy ending, even with a great love scene, would there be ANYTHING left to fix? Would it have been that interesting to write fanfics... "fix it" fics? Maybe for a little while but not for so long. The frustration about this ending lives on so much longer. I've read all your emotions during this Rewatch and I felt the same way. The fact that ATWT had to end as a show was bad enough but the fact that they separated LuRe made this couple immortal in my opinion. All great couples had a bad ending in all great love stories in history. That sounds very sappy but it's still a fact!
So this is one of the reasons why I want to continue this Rewatch and I'm sorry that I'm gonna do this one month after the Rewatch stopped. I had been so busy with life and I still am so I'm trying to cut it short and will write about all the next 5 episodes in this one thread. I'm also going to only mention the scenes I think are worth mentioning. I think there are still a few great scenes... like the appearance of Reid's uncle for instance. So I'm going to start in order with the following episode now:

LuRe Rewatch: September 7

Of course Luke couldn't keep his mouth shut in the September 3rd episode and has revealed to Casey and Alison that Reid is on his way to Bay City to beat the crap out of that surgeon and steal the heart away for Chris. Now... in the next scene Casey and Alison want to tell Bob and Kim about it but Luke's against it because Reid didn't want anybody to know. Great Luke, then why did you tell Casey and Alison in the first place? So Luke tells Bob and Kim and they tell Chris and Katie and they are all over the moon thinking Reid can do anything. I really blame that craziness on their distress. THEY'VE ALL GONE MAD!!!!

However I can't help but smile at Casey's and Luke's comment:

Casey: I actually feel sorry for the guy who said no to Reid, he drove straight to Bay City from here.
Luke: Yeah, especially on an empty stomach.

A lot of you guys wish that Chris would have died, I know. But my wishful ending is that Reid successfully got the heart from this arrogant surgeon in Bay City and the reason why I wish that ending is not so that Chris survives, no...but so that I could get to witness that scene with Reid and this other surgeon. Did anyone of you write a fic about this?? I already loved the way Reid was talking to that doctor in Bay City over the phone. Gee, this would have been a great encounter to watch, especially with Luke there too, trying to keep Reid out of trouble! I know I'm repeating myself but is there seriously no fic about this? Because I sadly don't know one....

But I'm digressing again. So they're all in a good mood until Margo and Bob march in and tell Bob the bad news about Reid's accident. Tldreamer wrote that it's totally unrealistic that this hospital doesn't have an ER entrance but, of course, for the dramatic purpose they had to cart Reid right through the hall so that Luke would see him. Bob tries to get Luke out there in time but it's too late and the drama begins...
I understand tldreamer's view that the whole thing looked like a conspiracy. John, Bob, Tom, Casey, the nurses... everyone seemed full of crap except for Luke and Reid themselves. It was totally natural for Luke to question Bob's actions. Bob, who was supposedly thinking of Reid as a son, suddenly acted like a robot with no emotions at all. He probably was supposed to look tough...hiding his true feelings but he just comes off as a really awful person in that moment. Although that kind of reminds me of what people say about Reid when a patient died. Maybe that's what Mr. Judd saw in Reid when his little daughter died. He only saw Reid's cold behavior. So maybe this is what we see in Bob now. And I do believe that he had enough time to examine Reid. Wasn't there a commercial break? I think sometimes, with a lot of experience, you see immediately if someone's going to make it or not. Of course Luke refused to believe and he even refuses to believe it when Reid tries to tell him about the organ donor part. So even Reid knows he's gonna die. I must say that Van acted brilliant in that critical scene.
For instance I love how he barked at the nurse when she tried to stop him from talking to Reid:

"You know, he's trying to tell me something, so just back off!"

Luke can be really intimidating when he's angry. ;-)
But it's also very emotional and sad and I'm not keen to write many details about it. Of course it was full of crap again that Reid was declared "brain dead" by a cardiologist and everyone just believed that. Luke is right to question things here! This was really bad!

So after this awful scene there's a last moment where Luke talks to Reid alone and of course he's starting to blame himself for what happened... AGAIN. Like... if he hadn't forced Reid to come to Oakdale this wouldn't have happened. I'm just so glad that he stopped himself in the middle of this sorry speech and knew that this wasn't his fault. At least his relationship with Reid has made him stop blaming himself for things. What an improvement. *sarcastic eyeroll*

The next scene with Luke and Katie follows in which Katie has no clue what happened. She is rambling about Reid and how great he is for getting Douche Deux that heart. I can only repeat myself in saying that Van should have won an Emmy for his acting. The way he looks at her... all that hurt. I admit that I easily cry in emotional scenes so this was it for me. I wish I could have hugged Luke right then and there. He looked so lost.
And what he says later...the way he talks about the fact that Chris has got to make it and begs Katie to reassure him that he makes it. That really breaks my heart into pieces. So I do need to stop right here. There's still the scene in which they all say their last goodbyes to Reid and of course the following heart transplant surgery but I won't lay that out for you in details. So this episode is over for now. Feel free to comment and I'm dying for fix it fics here. ;-)

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LuRe Rewatch: September 8

Now this episode starts off with Luke and Alison again. Luke's being up for hours and Alison asking him to go easy on himself. But Luke's only fixated on Chrisses surgery being a success so that Reid's sacrifice wouldn't be for nothing.
Then there's the Katie/Chris scene in which Chris has woken up. I won't get into this any further since I can't stand the scenes with Doogie and Katie together right now but I think it was funny that Katie quoted Reid in saying "But it will just take a little time to heal before you turn this place into party central, okay?"
I also had to laugh at Doogies answer when he said "Reid Oliver is no party."

Later on Alison returns with good news and tells Luke that Chris is awake and that the surgery was a success. Luke then asking Alison how Reid's heart is makes me feel so bad for him again. His only consolation now seems to be that Reid's heart lives on in Chris. I really hate the writers for putting him through such a misery. It's not fair.

Then the scene with Alison and The Douche comes and The Douche is his usual self complaining why Alison wasn't at HIS fairwell dinner. Well, you didn't even come to her wedding, what do you expect? So Alison spills the beans about Reid's accident, making Noah look dumb.

In the meantime Luke is back at Lily's trying to get some comfort but instead of getting some rest he now has to find Reid's next of kin to decide what to do with Reid's body. Luke's barely hanging on and if that wasn't enough, that homophobic moron Mr. Mortimer from the funeral home won't allow Luke to make the arrangements. I think Luke should seriously start to take off that doomed green shirt and burn it cause it only keeps getting worse.
At least Lily and Holden offer to find Reid's next relative. I really love that video they show of Reid when he's like 12 years old and standing next to his uncle. It is so cute. But I've only noticed just now that the date which is written on the poster behind them seems to be 1991, is that correct? You can't really see the 1 at the end, you can only sense it. And I hope it's 1991 because if Reid was 12 in that year then he was only 31 in 2010 which makes him incredible young for such a successful surgeon. But if it wasn't 1991 but any later date then he was even younger. I always thought the writers wanted Reid to be like 35/36... or do I mix that up from all the fan fictions I've read? Haha... maybe I did.

Anyway... I won't get into the Alison/Douche scenes too much. But bloody Alison wants him to comfort Luke. You all know what I think about this: BARF, BARF, BARF....

Then there's the Luke/Chris scene which always sends a shiver down my spine. The way Luke looks at Chris in that scene... he kinda looks like a serial killer ready to strangle Doogie on the spot! And I'm certain the longer Chris rambles on about Reid the meaner Luke's killing plans are being plotted inside his mind. Here is a picture of what Luke looks like in that scene.

Scary, right? ;) But of course Luke wouldn't dare to destroy Reid's heart so he just chooses to run away. Unfortunately some guy from the hospital board runs into him outside the door so Chris can eavesdrop and finds out that something went terribly wrong and of course he asks Katie seconds later who's heart it is that he has.
In the meantime Lily and Holden have found Angus but I'm gonna comment on them in the next episode. Feel free to share fics and comment. Here is the link for this episode:

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LuRe Rewatch: September 9

So this episode is basically divided into two parts. The scene with Noah and Luke and the scene with Lily, Holden and Angus. I'm gonna start with the latter.
What I don't like about this scene is that it is so much about Holden and Lily. All this innuendos and that both of them almost said my "wife/husband" and quickly corrected themselves in using the other one's name. So ridiculous. There's also a big continuity error in that scene. Lily and Holden tell Angus that Reid has gotten into the accident "yesterday" but just a few minutes before that scene Katie said that the whole thing with the surgery was "2 days" ago. So what is correct now? Can somebody help me out?
But even though I don't care shit about Holden and Lily I do love Angus and of course they made him as snappy as Reid.

"Whatever that ungrateful, big-mouth whelp did, it's got nothing to do with me. So why don't you just get the hell out of here before you cost me the whole damn game?"

I bet that's also the way Reid would talk about his uncle. Hehe. This makes me wanna know so much more about Reid's past. Luckily there are a few good fanfics about that which I sadly don't remember what they're called right now but maybe someone of you can share the links.
I also really love Angus story of Reid's chess piece. This is really beautifully written.

So now we're moving on to the Noah/Luke scene which, when I first watched it, luckily didn't become as bad as I thought it would. Finally Noah, the Douche, almost hardly said a thing which is really good. It's a really big Van moment too. Of course Luke had to say what's on the top of that list that he didn't get to have with Reid.. but in my opinion he was lying. Reid and Luke have been hitting the sheets long ago, am I right girls? ;-)
But one of my favorite Van moments in that scene is when he talks about the fact that Reid was not a hero and when he describes what a hero really is. Maybe I love that scene so much because I also was sick of hearing the "Reid was a hero" tune from everyone. He just did his job and there are thousands of potential organ donors out there who would have done the same if they had been in Reid's situation and if they had known Chris and his family in person. Of course they also value the attempt of Reid to get Chris the heart in Bay City but still... I can totally understand why Luke is fed up with this bullshit talk to comfort him and I also understand that he's kinda angry at Reid for acting so reckless.

If he had just thought, "If I wait 30 seconds, just 30 seconds, for this train to pass, I can go to Bay City. I can get that heart." But all he thought was "I can do this," because he thought he could do everything because he was so damn smart. Yeah, he was so damn smart it got himself killed! A real hero would have gone to Bay City, he would have gotten that heart for Chris, and he would come back to me alive.

Van's acting in that scene is unbelievable. In that moment I don't even mind that the douchebag is hugging him. It just fits...

I won't much comment on the other scenes which were shown that day. Chrisses self pity thing was unbearable to watch. Since he found out that he's got Reid's heart he keeps blaming himself for what happened. Well at least he's right on something the first time but still... MAN UP CHRIS!!!
I'm glad that Katie is so hard on him and that she tells him that he owes Reid joy and that every little breath he takes for the rest of his life will be because of him. Chris is such a pussy.

I've never seen the John and Lucinda scene in the Rewatches before and I'm glad I did this time. I never knew they had a thing back in the old days. I really loved their scenes. They have great chemistry. ;-)

This episode ends with Luke scattering Reid's ashes in the lake. I bet they didn't have the budget for a proper funeral but I'm also glad they didn't do one.
So that's it for this episode. Again, feel free to comment whenever you like.

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LuRe Rewatch: September 16

This episode was really really bad. Seriosuly I don't know if I can comment on it much. Luke suddenly questions Reid's feelings for him just because it was so important to him that in his last moments he made sure he'd donate that heart to Chris? SERIOUSLY???

Luke: It's just -- when he died, he was so calm, like he was like, "I'm going to die. Just -- just take my organs," like that's all there was to it, like he didn't matter, like we didn't matter.
Noah: Hey. At the end, who did he want to talk to? Who did he want to be with? You.

And I certainly don't like that NOAH of ALL people suddenly has to be the one who reassures him that Luke and Reid mattered. Awww... I COULD KILL THOSE WRITERS!!!!
Still, at least those stupid dialogues were good for something when they came up with this:

Noah: "I wish, uh, we could all be like Reid."

Seriously Noah it looks really really bad on you...trying so hard to say something nice about Reid. I keep burst out laughing every time I watch this.

But if all of this wasn't worse enough they had to show this awful Nuke goodbye scene. At least Luke only gave the Douche a semi professional camera as a present and not an ARRI or a RED or something similar but Noah doesn't even deserve THAT. I guess this whole scene is supposed to comfort the Nuke fans and it definitely raises their hopes for a bright Nuke future. All this "maybe" stuff when Luke gets to visit Noah in LA. I could barf again... and that kiss? WTF??? I mean we didn't get to see Luke's face and he kept his hands in his pockets so there wasn't that much action from his side. But still... for Noah it was definitely not a "friendly" kiss. Well I'm glad that we all know that Reid is still alive and this has all been some great evil MASTER PLAN from Damian, right? Too bad, Noah but this will be the last thing you'll see of Luke.

You can feel free to comment on this or not. I won't blame you...

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LuRe Rewatch: September 17

This is obviously the official goodbye for all the faithful ATWT fans that have been watching for years. Bob gets retired and, as far as I can make out of the few scenes that I got to watch is that Bob is also the "narrator" of this episode. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

We start with a close up on the brochure of the new hospital wing which contains one of my favorite pictures of Eric/Reid. Here it is *sigh*:

Then the camera reveals Luke sitting on the couch. Then Natalie comes in and cuddles into Luke's arms. Very cute!! Maybe they should have ended it there. But then there's still the scene where Luke visits Chris and Katie. We can see that Luke is still very emotional and even gets angry when Chris isn't sure if he wants to take the chief of staff position. I actually think that little conflict is totally unnecessary at this point. We've all been sick of hearing what Reid has done for poor little Chris. However, I do like the stethoscope scene even if it's REALLY sappy. Still, I would have preferred the ending with Luke and Natalie. ;-)

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So this is it, I guess. I hope I didn't shock you with this. I've written much more than I intended to. In general I really hated this last few episodes and in contrast to other episodes that I have watched a thousand times already I think this is only the second or third time I have watched them.
I hope some of you were able to stay with me till the very end but I don't blame anyone who didn't want to. In my opinion this ending is still important in a Rewatch to remind us what good came out of it with this fandom. I'm really glad to be here with you guys and I'm looking forward to many more years of great fan fiction, graphics and fan videos.
I love you all and I'm looking forward to the Big Bang this year!

xx satine

luke/reid, 2015 rewatch, atwt

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