Once In A Lifetime Love, Chapter 13B

Oct 07, 2015 14:05

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Title: Once In A Lifetime Love - Chapter 13 - B

Author: Mystical_Dreamer (Dawn)

Rating: R to NC-17

Characters: Luke Snyder, Reid Oliver, Casey Hughes, Bob Hughes, The douche and his father, a few OC’s.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to their respective copyrights. While I love to take them out and play with them from time to time, I do not own any of the characters, except the OC's. Those silly bastards are mine.

Author's Notes: A huge thanks to bmak08 and moonchilddj for taking the time to beta this for me, but in the end each and every mistake is mine and mine alone

Reid could hear the blood in Luke's veins flowing faster and he knew his gaze was the cause. "I am sorry. I am making you uncomfortable again." Reid observed, taking in the rapid heart beat and the flush cheeks of the younger man. "I find it very hard to believe that you are so unaware of the effect you have on others. Or how beautiful you are, inside and out."

Luke looked down, willing himself to breathe normally as he took a few deep breaths. "I've never had anyone say I have an effect on them. It's hard to believe, in that circumstance. I was single for a couple of years before Noah."

"I find that hard to believe." Reid had to ball his hands into fists to keep from touching him. "Why did you go so long without someone? Surely there were people who were interested in getting to know you?"

"No. I had a best friend that couldn't stand the sight of me after he found out I had a crush on him, and I had friends, family...that's about it. I didn't meet anyone until Noah."

Reid snorted softly. "Your best friend was an idiot. And I suspect that his treatment of you after you told him was because he didn't know how to handle his attraction to you." Reid stated honestly.

Luke lifted his eyes again, lifting a hand to rub the back of his head. "He was very, very straight. And very...antagonistic. He had it in for me when we were in college together."

"What happened?" Reid asked gently, knowing that Luke didn't have an easy life. "Did he try and hurt you? Your family?"

"He made my college life a living hell." Luke swam over to the pool edge, resting his elbows on it. "Wherever I went, he was always sneering about my being gay, and when we were running in the same electoral debate, he ran a smear campaign about it. It was terrible." he sighed, resting his chin on top of his arms. "I mean, we used to be the best of friends. We were on the same basketball team, we hung out together until I told him I was gay, and everything went south."

"I’m sorry." Reid said as he rested his hand on top of Luke’s. "It's never easy to lose friends, but to lose them to something you have no control over is even worse." He let his thumb caress softly over the top of Luke's hand. "This election...did you win?"

"Nope." He gazed up at Reid, willing himself to ignore the fact that his skin was tingling for just the stroke of a thumb. "I had met Noah around the time of college, and he blew the whistle on me. I was trying to fight Kevin with some, not so honest tactics. I got in trouble, and expelled from college, the end."

Typical of Noah's kind, Reid thought. Take away anything and everything your target loves and make them dependent on you. "Wait...he ratted you out for trying to fight back? He really is an unsavory sort." Reid said with a sigh of disgust.

"He said I was cheating. Hindsight being twenty-twenty, I guess it was just his way of getting me to not be independent. And it worked, too."

"His type thrives on taking away what matters most to his victim. Making them dependent solely on them for what they need....." Reid stopped in mid sentence and he moved away. "And now I have done the same." he said sadly as he looked away in shame.

Luke didn't know why he felt the need to comfort the man, reassure him, but he did. He moved closer feeling his knee brush against Reid in the water and he reached out to place a gentle hand on his shoulder as he spoke. "Hey. You said you're trying to protect me. Keep me safe. If you really mean that, then I have to believe it's true. For the sake of my family, as well as myself."

"You would not be here otherwise. I promise you that. I am the only one that can keep you safe." Reid confessed.

Luke might not known what from, but he had to trust that Reid would either tell him, or he would find out on his own eventually. "All right." he whispered.

"All right." Reid whispered softly as he gave a small chuckle. "Right now, I'm finding it very....hard to be a gentlemen." he told him honestly, his body humming from the closeness.

"I'm not even doing much." Luke replied as he opened his eyes, gazing at him. "I'm not...openly flirting, you know. It's just ....me. My hand on your shoulder." he told him quietly with a shrug of his shoulders, but his breath caught, nonetheless, with the way that Reid was looking at him, and he felt a rush of heat flow through him. The man looked at him with a blue-eyed gaze that was hot enough to scorch, and he licked his lips. He wasn't used to someone looking at him like that. It was like the sensation just vibrated all the way through him. "But I guess, in a way, I understand. The way you look at me. It wakes up a part me..." he whispered, flushing lightly at the admission. "How do you even do this to me?" he questioned as he looked away, his feelings starting to get the better of him.

"Like you said, I'm not doing much," Reid echoed, "and it might be just a hand, Luke, but it's your hand." He was acutely aware of Luke being half naked and oh so very close. He could feel his own blood pulsating just below the surface of his skin and he moved his hand to Luke's wrist, feeling his pulse thump against his fingers. "You awaken desires in me, Luke." he whispered sliding his hand along his arm, over his shoulder and up his neck before he used a finger to lift Luke's gaze to meet his own, "Desires that I haven't felt in, what seems like centuries." He could feel himself getting lost in the sensuality that flowed off Luke in invisible waves. "And I am very aware that you are almost naked and I am very aware of what you do to me."

Luke's breath caught at Reid's words, sending a thrill through him almost as much as the gliding hand along his bare skin. Those eyes were mesmerizing, that he couldn't help but lean into him. "Very aware, huh?" he whispered, licking his lips as he inched closer to him, unable to resist the desire he felt for the older man. "And...and what would you do if I was even closer?"

"This." Reid whispered, his hand finding its way into Luke's hair as he lowered his head. He tried to keep the kiss relatively chaste for the most part, but his desire for the younger man won out. He had to have just a small taste. His tongue peeked out and ran along the seam of Luke's lips as a small whimper was heard, but Reid wasn't sure who it came from. It was only when he felt Luke move a bit closer, bare chest brushing against bare chest, that he broke the kiss, panting softly as he rested their foreheads together. "Luke," he whispered, his hand coming around to cup Luke's cheek again, his thumb caressing over his bottom lip. "Are you all right?"

Luke felt dizzy. Lost in the warmth and feel of Reid as he moved his other hand to the older man's shoulders, holding on, trying to find some steady ground. "The way you kiss me," he said with a small shake of his head. "Rattled my brain for a bit." he murmured, pressing a light kiss to the pad of Reid's thumb and just letting himself enjoy the moment, instead of thinking of what he should or shouldn't be doing.

Reid's fingers caressed softly over his jaw and down his neck, wrapping around his back and holding him close. "You are so very dangerous." Reid whispered. "I forget my sensibilities when you're so close."

Luke was equally as breathless as he recovered from the kiss, panting quietly as shivers chased themselves over his back with each touch of Reid's fingers. Dangerous? Him? Reid must've had it backwards. "I forget everything when you're close." he confessed, his hand moving from Reid's shoulders to his neck, fingers playing with the damp curls there.

"Luke," Reid murmured as he held him close, felt him trembling in his arms. He knew he was overwhelmed with what was happening, with what he was feeling and Reid just held him close, his arms wrapping around him to hold him gently, but protectively in his arms. "What is it? Are you all right, my love?" He paused as the last two words slipped from his lips without thought. It just seemed natural to call him 'my love' since he was slowly working his way into his heart.

My love? The words made something in Luke's heart flutter, and he blushed, nuzzling against him as he sought to control himself. His hands felt so nice, rubbing soothing little circles on his back, and his body was warm, and comforting. He sighed quietly, and closed his eyes, nodding. "I...I'm okay." he breathed softly, his voice almost at a whisper. "Just...the way you touch me. The way you kiss and look at me...I've never known it before. It's...amazing And terrifying at the same time. I don't know you but it's like I've known you forever. You take my breath away. I've never experienced this before."

"This is a good thing, Luke." Reid placed a soft kiss to Luke's shoulder before he moved him away enough to gaze at him with a warm, inviting smile. "I know it is scary for you. It is for me as well." he cupped his cheek again, his thumb caressing over his high cheekbone. "I have never known anything like this before either. You have awoken a place in me that I thought was long dead. You have made my heart beat again."

Luke felt flattered, more than anything he'd ever known. This man, who had more experience in the love and relationship department, who was so confident and sure of himself...felt that way about him. How could he even measure up to more experienced men? He'd only been with Noah, and even that had only been halfway. It hadn't even been a true relationship. So how could he even open up Reid's heart like that? The thought was something that amazed him, and he leaned into his touch, feeling that familiar feeling once more of being safe and warm. This man had bought him in an auction. Shouldn't he be intimidated? Scared? Angry? He wasn't any of those things. It was like some part of him was just drawn, wanted to be with him. It didn't make sense. What was it about this mysterious man with the profession of a doctor and the soft touch?

He closed his eyes, savoring the fingers against his cheek, before he opened them again, and reached out, tracing his fingers over Reid's face, feathering along his cheeks as he gazed into his eyes. In that blue gaze, something called to him there, and his body simply answered. He leaned forward, and softly touched his lips to his, barely the press of lip to lip, soft and sweet, and then....

A flash.

Running. The moon up in the sky, the shrill, fierce howl of wolves! Brethren! Kindred! He was welcome here! He sent his own call into the sky, eyes bright and fangs sharp. The dark night held so many wonders, and he would run and experience them all!

Luke pulled back with a gasp, his eyes wide as he gazed at Reid, feeling like he was looking from the outside in. But...that was impossible.

The dream from this morning...

Startled, he shook off the thoughts, and pushed away from Reid, putting a few feet of distance between them in the water. He ran a hand through his hair as parts of the dream came back again.

"Luke?" Reid's voice held a hint of concern as he spoke. He'd felt the shift in Luke. Felt the change in him. He'd seen something in the younger man's eyes. A small glimpse of recognition of something long forgotten. "What is it?"

It was crazy. Reid would think he was crazy if he ever said something, and the man was already looking at him funny. He gave a small laugh, and shook his head. "Sorry. I just...it was...oh, never mind." he replied, trying to wave it off. "I uh, think Gabriel came while we were distracted. I smell strawberry." Luke swam to the steps and quickly climbed out. He saw a towel and wrapped it around his waist before he quickly headed for the table, sitting down and running a hand shaky hand through his hair.

Reid followed a few seconds later. Climbing out of the pool and making his way to the table, he sat down across from Luke. He paused for a few seconds, watching as Luke reached for a roll and popped a piece into his mouth before he reached with a shaky hand for the coffee pot. "Here," Reid offered, as he wrapped his hand around the handle. "Let me." He carefully poured two cups of coffee before sitting back in his chair.

"These smell good. I'm surprised he's not a professional...everything he makes always smells delicious." he mused as he chewed, blushing when he caught Reid looking at him. "...what?" he asked, peeking at him from under his lashes sheepishly.

"Are you all right?" Reid asked, watching him. He knew that Luke had some of the ancient blood in his veins. He was the offspring of the great Damian Grimaldi, one of the oldest protectors around, and he also knew that Luke didn't have any clue. He's probably sensed things before, but just brushed it off as deja vu or coincidence. "You look...spooked? Did I do something?"

No...no, it wasn't you." Luke assured him, shaking his head. "There was something...I don't know. It's kind of crazy. Impossible, even." he replied with a snort. He picked at his roll, then popped another bite in his mouth. "You didn't spook me this time. I spooked myself."

Reid gave him a small smile. He was starting to figure out who he truly was, quicker than he'd imagined. "You spooked yourself?" he echoed as he reached for a roll and, imagining it was Noah Mayer's body, he tore it in half. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"It would sound silly." Luke told him softly as he thanked him for the coffee. "I mean, it sounds silly to myself. I don't want you thinking I'm ready for the loony bin. I mean...I'm not that imaginative, but it's just like...something you'd see out of a movie or something. Which already sounds ridiculous!" he snorted softly as he fixed his coffee, and took a sip of it.

Reid chuckled softly. "You are very sexy when you babble, Luke." he teased as he popped the last bite of his roll into his mouth as he watched the blush creep up Luke's chest and neck until it reached his cheeks. "And when you blush." He took a sip of his coffee before he turned serious. "You may talk to me about anything. Nothing you tell me will sound silly. Especially if it has spooked you."

Luke was silent for a few moments, deliberating. Could he tell Reid what he was thinking? The man had been so patient with him. And he was a good listener. He licked his lips as he glanced at him, before he took a breath and pushed his bangs out of his face.

"Okay...well. Try not to stare when I prove how crazy I am, okay? Before Gabriel came to my room, telling me about breakfast, I had a...dream. Or nightmare. Or...some crazy hallucination, I don't know. I dreamt I was running, but it was dark, and there was a full moon, and my...feet weren't human. They were wolf paws. And I could...transform, and I was human, running up this cliffside, and you were there, waiting for me." He'd told it in a rush, before he would lose his nerve. Listening to those words in his head, made him blush in embarrassment. He sounded like he needed to be in the psych ward, for sure. He licked his lips, and continued on, closing his eyes. "And then...just now...when we were kissing. I got a...I don't know. It was like the thoughts weren't even mine, like I was experiencing someone else's thought. Your thought. There were wolves, and it felt comfortable, running among them. Something like family, and.." He shook his head, and hid his face in his hands. "Please don't mind me, I just don't want to see your face when you think I'm insane."

Ah, so it's the wolf blood that pumps through his veins, Reid thought. He could see, and feel, how embarrassed the younger man was to confess something that he thought was pure insanity. Reid ached to tell him the truth about not only himself, but about Luke's own legacy, but he could not. At least not yet.

He got up and walked around the table, moving it aside with a wave of his hand before he knelt down and slowly peeled Luke's hands from his face, holding them both lightly in his. "Luke. I do not think you are insane. This...feeling, these flashes are perfectly natural. Last night...I left abruptly, and the wolves were howling. It is only natural that you had a dream like that."

"It...is? It sounds like some Hollywood plotline for a horror story." he murmured with a snort, gazing at Reid finally, looking a bit chagrined. "I mean...yeah, the wolves were going crazy last night, and that could be a basis for my dream. But I've never dreamed like that. Not so vibrantly. You don't think I sound like a nutjob?" This last was said a bit tentatively. He didn't know much about Reid at all, but he didn't want to sound like he was having a nervous breakdown, and to hear all that about wolves...yeah, it sounded like a nervous breakdown to him. Like he was someone that had been kidnapped, sold to someone, and now his brain was going. It sounded plausible to him.

Reid laughed softly, "No. I don't think you're a nut job." he brought Luke's hands up and kissed them softly, his lips lingering. "A lot has happened to you in the past twenty-four hours. All of this has been a huge shock to your system. You're still trying to process it all and comes to terms with it. It's only natural that you would dream so vividly. Your dream..." he sighed softly as he choose his words, "...it might be your subconscious trying to make sense of it all."

"I guess..." Luke murmured, fingers twitching at the soft kiss. "It's just weird. I'm not a really imaginative person, though." He managed a shrug. "But I guess if you don't think I have a couple of screws loose, then I suppose I'm okay."

Reid smiled. "You're not convinced." he stated softly, wondering if there was something Luke wasn't telling him. "The mind...the brain is a wonderful complex organ. It has this tangled mass of gray spaghetti, it's totally alien. It's not much to look at to the naked eye, but, it makes us...walk and talk, think... remember, smell... " he lifted his eyes almost shyly to Luke, ".....Love." he added softly. "It produced the Sistine Chapel. Chocolate. Theory of relativity. Godfather, parts one and two. Not so sure about three, but..." he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "It has ways of taking the things that we see and experience that are too hard for us to process and processing them in a way that helps us to understand them."

Luke's eyes widened a little at him, and then softened in awe as he listened to him. "...You really know your brain." he told him softly. "Guess that's logical, you are a neurologist. So you're saying my brain is like...taking the experience and...generalizing it? Making it easier to take in?"

"Yes. Your life has been turned upside down, Luke. Your mind is trying to process all that has happened to you and your dream...the wolves are probably because you heard the howling last night. And me? While it makes me very happy to know that you dream of me," he winked at him with a little smirk. "I was in your dream because I'm the one that you fell asleep with. If you hadn't heard the wolves last night, it might have been your horses back home that you dreamt about." he explained, letting go of Luke's hands and moving back to his seat.

Luke blushed and followed Reid with his eyes as he moved back to his own seat. It did make sense. But it felt so...comfortable. Like home, really. Safe, and gentle. "Yeah. The human mind likes to muddle things up, right?" he replied softly as he took another bite of his own roll, licking off strawberry from the corner of his mouth.

Reid's eyes followed Luke's tongue and he bite the inside of his own cheek to suppress a soft moan. "Right." he said softly as he gave his head a small shake. "Sorry. Yes. The mind can muddle things up a bit. It's just...how it works. Keeps us safe when things aren't." he murmured softly. "I'm sorry things are so confusing for you."

"Don't worry about it. It seems to be a running theme in my life as of recently." he replied with his own shake of his head. "It can only get better. I hope."

Reid could sense that Luke was used to people pushing his feelings and needs aside, like they couldn't be bothered with the young man or what he was feeling or thinking, and that didn't sit will with him. "I'm going to worry, Luke. If it matters to you...if it worries you...it worries me. I want you to trust me. You can come to me with anything."

Approve of his situation or not...he was flattered. There were few people that were ever wanting to be the one he relied on, and not the other way around. He was the steady rock for his mother, and other members of his family, too. He didn't mind it, but it left him with so few people to talk to. Ones he could lean on. "Thank you." he replied softly. "That means a lot...having someone to talk to."

Reid couldn't help himself as he reached out and gently cupped Luke's cheek. "I am here for YOU, Luke. Whatever you need...whatever you desire...I am here to serve you."

"Thank you." he murmured softly, before he blinked from his little cloud of comfort with Reid, at the gentle noise of a throat clearing.

"My apologies for interrupting, sir." Gabriel murmured softly. "You have a guest."

Reid held Luke's gaze steady as he answered Gabriel. "Please tell them this is not a good time." he said. "Ask if they can come back later. I'm very busy."

"Sir..." Gabriel cleared his throat again. 'This is someone you shouldn't ignore.'' he thought, knowing Reid would hear the words in his mind.. "It's Dr. Roberts."

Reid sighed and dropped his hand. "All right. Please tell him I'll be right there." he said over his shoulder before turning back to Luke. "I am sorry. I need to talk with Dr. Roberts. Will you be all right?"

Luke glanced to Reid and gave a little nod. "I'll be fine. I should go call my family, anyways. Thank you for coffee and breakfast, and...talking." he replied with a small half-smile, before he got to his feet.

Reid stood as well, reaching for his hand. "Thank you for the swim. Best way to start the day." he whispered, still tasting the young man's lips on his own. "I shouldn't be gone long. I had Gabriel leave a phone by your bed. Please feel free to call and talk as long as you like, but please, be very careful of revealing too much about what happened and where you are.”

Luke’s face fell a bit as he glanced down. “Okay.” He breathed, a hint of disappointment tainting his words.

“Luke.” Reid said gently. “Remember, everything that I ask of you is to keep you and your family safe. I would not ask if it was not important. Please remember that I only have your best interests at heart."

“I know. Thank you for letting me call them.” He gave Reid's hand a soft squeeze of reassurance.

Reid nodded, dropping his hand. “If you need anything, call Gabriel."

“Okay.” Luke said softly as picked up his cup of coffee and headed up the stairs to the deck, glancing back one last time. He smiled softly and pulled the sliding glass door aside before he disappeared inside the house.


Reid turned and picked up his cup before following Gabriel. "Dr. Roberts?” Reid said quietly as he raised his eyebrow at him. “That was the best name you could come up with?” he questioned, amusement in his voice as he handed him the cup.

Gabriel took the cup and handed him a dry towel. “What was I supposed to say, sir?” he asked as Reid wrapped the towel around his slim waist. If I had said who it really was, Master Luke would have even more questions that we cannot answer.”

Reid sighed as he knotted the towel at his hips. “Did he say what he wanted, Gabriel?"

"Yes, sir. He expressed concern at the scent you carried on your run last night. He wished to speak about it."

Reid rolled his eyes as he shook his head. "Good lord." he murmured. "The old fool is going to bring up the pheromones again."

Reid followed Gabriel inside, closing the patio door behind him. "Do you know how dangerous it is for you to be here?" he asked the much older man standing before him. "If Luke saw you...”

"I know, Reid." Bob Hughes sighed as he turned around, hands folded in front of him. "I'm not the Alpha of our pack for nothing."

!author|artist: gypsiesheart, fan fiction

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