FIFTH ANNIVERSARY - LuRe Rewatch: August 18

Aug 17, 2015 23:59

Quickie Recap: There's some wonderful moments today, but let's face it, folks, we're on anvil watch (with an upgrade to warning at any moment) until the end of this rewatch. WAH!

Kim tries to muster Bob into leaving with her to go to the Trustees cocktail party. He pleads that it was a busy day, but he also seems a little disgusted? Tired? I can't quite put a finger on it. She thinks Bobbo is nervous because the trustees will probably make their minds up about who they want as the next CoS. Bob doesn't seem like he is anxious at all but he is wondering if Chris will blow it. Kim's not happy to hear that and she reminds Bob he has to make a decision too. He's well aware of that and then she accuses him of already having done so.

Over at Katie's, it's right back to where we were yesterday, Doogie pleads with Katie to come with him to the cocktail party and she asks what's wrong and accuses him of flip-flopping. She says if she didn't know him better, she'd think he was on something.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Snort!

I wake up in time to travel to the LilyPad where it's the moment after Luke tells Reid he doesn't believe a word he says.

Uh oh. Their first spat as a couple!!!

Reid asks Luke to clarify exactly what he doesn't believe and bitchy Luke (hooray! I have soft spot for him) appears and says he doesn't give a damn about the party.

Reid has to prod some more then Luke blurts out that Reid lied to him about seeing a patient, but Reid denies it. Luke is angry and he calls Reid on going to the Lakeview, which Reid also doesn't deny. When Reid asks Luke what he wants and he responds he wants the patient's name, he goes too far and Reid says no.

An upset Luke asks Reid who he's seeing behind his back. DUH! DUH! DUH! That a great little cliff-hanger before a break!

Over at Memorial Bob says he's not taking sides and is being impartial so the best man wins. Kim questions Bob's support of Chris. Bob says Chris has to earn the job if he wants it. I love Bob when he says Chris is "too cocky to be nervous. Maybe he's lazy."

Luke says pulling out the patient confidentiality card is a low blow, especially when he's covering up cheating.

Reid surprisingly is pretty calm and asks who is the source of Luke's info. When Luke tells him it was Noah, I swear you can tell that Luke is suddenly getting the picture that maybe Noah isn't a credible source.

Reid describes what really happened, but says Noah misinterpreted and over-stated while Luke over-reacted.

I love the way Reid barges head on into the argument ("If you don't trust me, Luke, what the hell are we doing?"). Luke quickly apologizes after he realizes he was wrong to not trust Reid. Within another sentence or two, Luke is all smiley and they are going to the cocktail party after they get ready.

Whew! Thank goodness that was over before it got too far! But if you were Luke, wouldn't you be in shock? I mean, did he ever have an argument with the Douche where he apologized and the Douche accepted and they just moved on??? I don't think so. Noah could always be counted on to lecture Luke or bring things up later to punish him or just carry a grudge. How refreshing it must be to go out with an adult like Reid! Luke doesn't have to worry or walk on eggshells around his bf. I'm so happy for him!!

Doogie continues the lies. Blah, blah, blah. He convinces Katie to go to the party. zzzzzzz.

Doogie then experiences chest pains. DIE, CHRIS!!!! DIE!!!! Though it wouldn't be nice to do so on Katie's pretty white couch. She'd probably feel like she had to buy a new one after that.

Our boys arrive at the Metro, where the trustees are already hitting the bottle. Reid seems a little nervous (" a lamb to the slaughter"), but Luke is there to support him! (Like a hot, tasty side dish!)

I love Reid flirting like that (so does Luke) before he has to plunge into business. Luke coaches him (I love Reid's dirty little laugh when Luke suggests he only imagine the ugly ones in their underwear), and then Doogie and Katie arrive. Wow, way to kill a good party!

When Luke jokingly suggests that Reid and Doogie become co-CoS, it goes over like a lead balloon.

Reid gets a well-aimed dig in at Doogie just before Bob and Kim arrive. Kim looks (happily? or is she shocked?) surprised that Doogie is there. I still laugh when she compliments Doogie and Reid thinks she's talking to him.

Bob encourages both candidates to go out and impress their public.

Reid asks for a pow-wow with Chris first, where he tells Doogie to get to the hospital and to tell Katie and his parents about his condition. Of course Doogie refuses. OMG, how many more times do we have to sit through this? I'm afraid I might know the answer to that question, but it really is unbearably stupid and boring, listening to Chris's ridiculous excuses. Doogie says he'll tell them when he wants, on his time schedule, not Reid's. IDIOT!!! DIE!!!!! NOW!!!!

This is Reid's face after that convo.

Luke comes over and asks what's wrong. He tells Reid it's time to impress the trustees.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the look that comes over Reid's face as you can see the confidence rise within him after Luke says that. He's READY!!!

We next see the trustees (all 2 of them!) grilling the candidates.

Reid is smart and confident in his responses.

(Side note: Do those terrible pop-up network promos still happen these days? I don't watch much tv any more, so I have no idea. Those pop-ups sure cut down on the pix I can post here for the rewatch.)

If this was (an American) football (game), we would say that Doogie fumbles on his return.

(Another side note: I love how Katie and Luke are right there for the q&a, not feigning indifference. Bob and Kim are also listening in, but at a slightly more tasteful distance! At least Luke is able to point out to Katie just how lame Doogie is, but she won't believe it. However, Bob and Kim know he's sinking like a stone.)

Doogie rambles when he's asked for more details, so Reid jumps in and makes Doogie looks good. Really, Reid, you are too good! I would've let him (figuratively, oh what the hell, literally too) die on the floor here.

Bob ends our suffering and calls a time-out.

Reid and Doogie huddle and Reid once again tells Doogie to get to a hospital and see a cardiologist. Katie joins them for that comment, so Doogie has to lie (again!) to keep her snowed.

If Doogie was Pinocchio, his nose would be so long he would topple forward!!

Watch that baby anvil! Don't let you hit it you! I remember cheering 5 years ago when the name of JOHN DIXON was mentioned! OMG, there's a character I really love and miss so much! He sure kept the pot stirred! If you ever want to watch some great acting, watch a SL from the early 80s where J.D. was blind. The end of it is on YT and there's a great plot twist. Larry Brygmann's performance wasn't the usual soap-actor-playing-blind type (I'll say no more here).

Even Katie questions Doogie's "strategy." Who can blame her? Bob tells Doogie to drop out now if he's not interested in the job. Of course Doogie denies it. Snore. Then Kim has to defend her baby (she always will, I'm over it), but Katie joins in on the "jump on Reid" train. Yeah, thanks for throwing him under the bus, Katie! (Surely you know by now that I like to mix my metaphors!)

After all this talk, Chris tells Katie he's ready to bail, so they leave. Bob can't believe it and says Chris is on his own. Over Kim's objections, Bob says Chris has to deserve it, not get the job because of nepotism.

Can everyone in this scene agree that Reid has superb people skills and drop that stupid line/thought forevermore!

Luke is suspicious and asks what's really going on. Reid deflects but Luke says what's up with Chris and what's been happening at this 2-trustee cocktail party. Reid tries to act like he helped Chris to give him a fighting chance so he can beat him later, but Luke's not buying.

He accuses Reid of lying to him again and tells Reid he wants to talk about them. If life is going to be a parade of secrets, he, Luke Snyder, isn't signed up for that. Reid says Luke is over-reacting, but we all know Luke landed the punch dead center.

Luke moves to leave and Reid stops him and spills. WHOA! That's the power of Luke and shows how much Reid doesn't want to lose him! (Although I am surprised he breaks patient confidentiality.)

I love LuRe when they have a conversation like this where Reid tells Luke more about Chris and his condition. You can see they are on the same page and that makes my little cold, cynical heart flutter!! This is one of the many things I love about LuRe! They are so good together and for each other!! Luke has someone who really cares and takes him seriously and Reid has someone who really cares and sees beneath his facade, is a tasty, hot side-dish, etc.

(Be sure to be in a secure place because we're under anvil warning now, folks!) When they recap and Reid sits down at the bar and says, "Good God! Who the hell am I? I hardly recognize myself!" I have to laugh with Luke. Reid has come a long way baby!!

Then Luke calls him on his fake bravado! I love it when Luke calls Reid on his crap (and I think Reid does too). But I get pissy when he says that Reid has a good heart. (Those writer bastards!)

Then when Luke asks if Reid is evolving, he only admits to changing, but realizes he has Luke to thank for little heart goes wub! wub! wub!

Love the eye action between them!

But OMG, we cut and go to Katie's to watch her and Doogie???? WTF? Take us back to the Metro, please! I swear there was gonna' be some PDA or plans to blow that taco stand or something like that! But no, we have to see K+C! UGH!!! Then we learn that Allie is baby-sitting again (!) so Doogie now plans an overnight! SUPER UGH!!!

That's it for today's episode, kids! What did you think??? Please comment below? Love it/hate it/want more/less? Any gap fillers? How about fix its? Once again, I'm requesting good fanvids!

Next up: August 26

WARNING: If you watch the 8/19 episode on this same channel, only Katie and Chris are shown, so I refuse to include it in this rewatch. You will see them in bed (get the barf bag ready!) and Chris at work the next day.

Which begs the question......where did Reid go after the trustees cocktail party? If he came home, he had to have known that Katie was "entertaining," if not that night, then the next morning.

If nothing else, Reid surely went out to dinner with Luke, right? And afterwards?????

The writers really dropped the ball! It's possible they were newbies who didn't even know Katie and Reid were roomies.

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Irritating Preview:

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luke/reid, 2015 rewatch

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