FIFTH ANNIVERSARY - LuRe Rewatch: August 17

Aug 17, 2015 00:24

Quickie Recap: This is a partially a "DIY" recap today.

Luke walks into the Java and immediately runs into a dressed up Douche. It's awkward at first, but they soon begin catching up, and I start to get a whiff of the old Nuke (ugh).

Noah has a meeting over at the Lakeview about the grant for his film, which he never told Luke about, but Luke's okay that Allison filled him in instead.

When Noah asks about what he's wearing (instead of asking if it makes his butt look too big), Luke blurts out that the suit makes Noah look handsome. It almost sounds like a come on, but I prefer to think that Luke is just supporting his friend when he is nervous about his upcoming meeting. But as the scene continues, I think Luke is borderline flirting. Particularly when his voice gets real low and deep (he's like that with Reid when he's really turned on).

UGH! And that is why I cannot stand this episode, it's full of crap like this. Luke seems to be flip-flopping here.

Forgive me for not giving a full recap today because this scene and another make me HATE THIS EPISODE! So I prefer to stick my fingers in my ears and sing, "La, LA, LA, LA, LA!!!" with all available lung power, with a few intermittent rounds of "DIE, CHRIS DIE!" rotated in at appropriate moments.

Because that's how this episode makes me feel. It's not that I can't watch and accept what happens, it's just that it makes me spew such venom that I don't think y'all want to get sprayed with, so that's why I'm leaving it up to you to fill in the blanks with your own interpretation.

If you were a new viewer (and LuRe fan), you might actually like this scene because it's August 17 and it sounds like Noah is leaving town in the next day (or so). Poor you, new fan. That's all I gotta' say.

So I'm going to skip over to Memorial (you can discuss the cliff-hanging talk about L.A. down in your comments....I just can't.....LA,LA,LA,LA,LA!). Reid is amazed to see Doogie staggering around work, making his rounds.

Doogie give his usual dim-bulb response, so Reid reads him the riot act! But it can't penetrate the stupidity that is Christopher Hughes.

Chris recycles his old, tired reasons for not telling anyone while killing himself to get the COS job (because it's for Katie!).

So we go back to the Java, where Luke is telling the Douche that as tempting as the offer is, he can't go to L.A. now. To me, this is leading the Douche astray. I know that probably all of you disagree with me, but it's very disappointing how Luke handles this and is not more up front from the get-go with the Douche. He does eventually tell him, but it's almost like Noah has to pull the truth out of him. And when the Douche starts with, "I was blind. I had a lot of stuff I was dealing with on my own..." I just can't continue recapping.


Back at Memorial, Chris and Reid decamp to that all-purpose hospital room to argue

where others can't eavesdrop on them.

Reid says he's through, but Doogie says he still needs Reid's help and Reid should do it for Katie. UGH! I really hate him. (DIE, CHRIS! DIE!!!!)

Probably the best part of this episode is when Reid tells Chris he used to think Chris was a decent doctor (emphasis on "used to"). But after more cajoling from Doogie (bringing up Katie), Reid is close to folding.

But here's the most ridiculous part of the episode......Chris has reserved a room at the Lakeview for Reid to give the next round of injections.

Before we continue on, this bit of information really makes me crazy! More craptastic writing/low budget thinking on the parts of TPTB on the show. Why would a dr. reserve a room at a hotel to do this? Why not go to his home??? DING! DING! DING!! Because Chris doesn't have one!!! Or at least I don't remember them ever saying where he lived. I assume he lived with Bob and Kim when he returned, but WHOOPS!! Bob and Kim are homeless too! That's why they're always eating out or hanging at the hospital because that's where they sleep.

Besides the most obvious place (where Chris lives), there are other spots where the shot could have been administered. Men's room of the Metro, anyone???!! But we all know the real reason why the Lakeview was selected....

Back to the episode, as Reid and Doogie argue, their voices are raised and Katie interrupts and asks what's going on.

Of course, Chris makes Reid the bad guy. UGH!

Katie confronts Reid in the hall. Reid is cagey when he doesn't directly answer her

questions, but he tells her he cares about her (aww!). She tells Reid to be nice to her almost boyfriend, but Reid admits Doogie doesn't make it easy.

Katie tells Doogie she has a personal question so they go back to the hospital room. Henry has asked her to go to Sweden with him to find Vienna, who might have a clue about how to find Barbara. Chris asks her (and I can't blame him, I would too) what she said to Henry, but she turns it around and asks what he'd like her to tell him.

EGAD! Now we're back to the Java, where the convo continues. LA, LA, LA, LA, LA!! Please feel free to discuss how this scene affected you.

Sometime during this scene, Reid calls Luke to let him know he's running late due to a demanding patient. I guess they have a date!

Then back to LA, LA, LA, LA!!

But then we cut back to Katie trying to get Chris to say he wants her to stay and not go to Sweden, but he flummoxes her by saying he wants her to be happy. That makes her angry. This is completely ridiculous folks. Katie just made her mind up she wants to make a go with Chris, so she can't be that desperate! I know she felt like he ignored her at Metro, but this kind of maneuver is silly. Also, she has a baby and a job to think of...she can't just up and go!

A super-caffeinated Luke shows up at Memorial and asks Becca the nurse where Reid is, but she says he's not there and that he signed out earlier.

Over at the Lakeview, a sickly, sweaty Doogie shows up, practically cursing Reid for not being there to meet him.

Reid immediately appears with his dr.'s bag, and sees that Chris is poor shape. He starts to call for an ambulance but Doogie stops him. He threatens blackmail by saying he'll lie to everyone Reid is close to, telling them that this was all Reid's doing, not his. DIE, CHRIS!!! DIE!

Reid helps Chris to the elevator.

You know what happens next!

The Douche doesn't waste 5 seconds calling up Luke to tattle on Reid. Hey Douche! Did you notice that Reid had his doctor's bag in his other hand? Do you think he's that freaky with a trick??? Sadly, I think the Douche would say yes to that question.

What a DOUCHE!!! (My original caption for this pic is "Die, Noah!! DIE!")

In a scene that must make all Chreid fans' hearts flutter, we see the two men "after." It's amazing how those antibiotics immediately resuscitate Doogie....truly a medical miracle!!

At least Doogie thanks Reid.

Reid is cranky, rightfully so, about being late for his date with Luke as well as with the idiocy of Chris. I HATE CHRIS!!!!!!!

I love when Reid tells Doogie he wants to stop meeting like this!

Over at the Java, Luke is practically in a panic about why Noah needed to speak with him so urgently.

It is here that I want to reach into my screen and throttle Mr. Noah Mayer. Until he's dead. Yep, he makes me feel that violent. I really HATE HIM.

Thankfully Luke defends Reid.

When Reid arrives at the LilyPad, Luke looks pissed. Oh boy! He asks how the patient is and Reid says okay.

Reid's wound up because he's just been invited to a meet and greet cocktail party with the hospital trustees and he needs Luke to come with him.

But Luke isn't budging. He tells Reid he doesn't believe a word he just said. Reid looks stunned.

DAMN YOU DOUCHE!! You really are blind not seeing that doctor's bag. And so many other things in life.

Over at Katie's, Chris drops by to invite her to the same cocktail party. She's pissed because he was okay with her going to Sweden, so he grovels and she still says no.

The only other thing I can say about this episode is WTF??

Tell us what you think. Love/hate/indifferent? Any gap fillers? Fix its? What about a good fanvid?

Next up: August 18 (It's gotta' be better than this, right?)

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luke/reid, 2015 rewatch

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