The Gift - Chapter 2

May 12, 2010 09:45

Title: The Gift, chapter 2
Paring: LuRe <3
Rating: PG? At most lol.
Summary: Luke gets to spend time with his gift before Reid comes home.
Disclaimer: Still not mine. -sigh- Why can't you boys be mine?!!
Author's Note: I think this is the last chapter for this particular fic. I think it wraps up nicely ^^; lemme know what you think.

It had been around six o'clock when Reid had left for the hospital. The hours dragged on at an even pace, not necessarily slow but hardly fast either. Luke and the nameless pup continued to watch baseball though it didn't take long for Luke to pass out only a few more innings in. Around seven thirty the dog started barking. Luke woke with a bit of a start, rubbing his eyes and immediately looking toward the door, hoping the dog was being noisy because Reid was back. When the door never budged, he frowned. He was now well awake, especially once the dog started panting beside him. Luke laughed a little and shooed the dog away so he could get up.

"You hungry, boy?" he asked the dog, who just continued to stare with his mouth open, wagging his tail. Luke smiled. "Alright, let's get you some food."

Luke had also bought a pillow bed, food and water bowls, a leash, and a bag of dog food to get Reid started. The dog was already house trained so at least that wasn't a concern. Grabbing his keys, Luke left the apartment and went out to his car. Awkwardly carrying everything inside he pushed open the door with his foot, careful not to let the dog out in the process. As soon as he set the pillow bed up behind the couch the dog laid down happily. Luke smiled happily, pulling the bowls from the bag along with the food. He filled the water bowl in the sink and as soon as he set it down on the kitchen floor the dog came jumping over, drinking the water like he'd never tasted water. Smiling, Luke poured some food into the other bowl and sat it down beside. At first the dog only paid attention to the water but eventually began chewing on the food bits as well. Luke stored the dog food up in one of the cupboards before returning to the couch.

Flipping through the channels Luke could feel himself slowly falling asleep again. Just as his head began to bob, the dog barked again, making him jump. It stood there, wagging its tail again and staring at Luke with his bright puppy dog eyes. Luke frowned.

"Now what?" he asked. The dog continued to stare at him. Luke sighed. "Let me guess, you need to go out," he said. The dog still didn't move. Finally Luke pulled himself from the couch and grabbed the leash that was also in the bag. He led the dog outside and let it do its business before leading it back into the apartment. Once he removed the leash the dog went back to his bed. Luke laid back down on the couch, attempting to focus on the cooking show that was currently on the screen, but just as before he let himself drift to sleep.

He woke again when he felt something jump on his feet. Looking down he saw the dog curled up at the end of the couch, staring at him. He groaned, glancing at the time on his watch. Eight forty five. He frowned, wondering how late Reid would be. "You can wake me up when Reid's home, but no sooner," Luke instructed groggily. The dog barely blinked. Luke yawned and fell back into the corner of the couch.

It was nearly ten o'clock when the front door finally opened. Reid was already shaking off his coat when he stepped inside, juggling the bag in his hands and immediately seeing the sleeping Luke on the couch. He grinned, hanging his coat beside the door. He passed Luke at first and went to the kitchen to sit the bag down on the counter. The dog was laying on it's pillow bed again, which made Reid grin as well.

He also noticed the food and water bowls and knew that Luke had thought of everything, as always.

Smiling, he quietly approached the couch where Luke was sleeping. Lowing himself next to the couch he reached out and began to run his fingers through Luke's hair. He then leaned close as if to kiss the sleeping beauty, but instead, he formed a small 'O' with his lips and began to blow air over Luke's face, mostly on his nose. He watched, trying not to laugh, as Luke's face scrunched and his nose twitched.

"Go away," Luke groaned, eyes still mostly shut. Reid laughed.

"Alright then, if you insist," he said softly. Luke opened his eyes, looking up with happy surprise.

"Hey," he said happily. Reid laughed again and leaned forward to kiss him softly.

"Morning sleepy head," he teased. Luke smiled, rolling over a bit to look at Reid more as his eyes slowly began to wake up.

"Mmm, I smell chicken," said Luke.

"That you do," Reid replied. "Awake enough to eat?" he asked as he stood up, moving into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm starving actually," Luke said, sitting up and slowly climbing to his feat, running a hand through his messy hair.

"Really? I figured you would have gotten something to eat," Reid said as he pulled plates from the cupboard.

"I've been sleeping," Luke grinned. "And I wanted to wait for you," he said, coming into the kitchen gently knocking shoulders with Reid, who turned back with a grin.

"Come up with any name ideas?" Reid asked, nodding toward the sleeping dog.

"Actually, I did," Luke said, leaning back on the kitchen counter. Reid looked up curiously to see Luke grinning. He put down the piece of chicken in his hands and licked his fingers, turning with a smirk to face the blond.

"Why am I afraid to ask?" Reid asked, making Luke laugh. Luke reached up scratched his ear, shaking his head.

"It's nothing bad," he reassured Reid, who just narrowed his eyes teasingly. "Well, he has horrible timing and kept waking me up as soon as I fell asleep," Luke began. Reid cocked a brow at him curiously. "It kind of reminded me of something," Luke grinned, stepping forward. Reid watched him, grinning and waiting to see what he was doing. Luke moved right up next to him and put his hands on Reid's waist, then let his hands fall down to his hips. Reid took a deep breath to steady himself. Luke's hand continued to move before un-clipping the small device from Reid's belt and holding it up in between them. "Sound familiar?" he asked, shaking the pager in his hands.

Reid laughed louder than he meant to. "Beeper? You want to call my dog Beeper?" he asked. Luke sat the beeper down on the counter before turning back to Reid, locking his arms around his slender waist and shrugging.

"It's a thought," Luke laughed.

"I like Doogie better."

They both laughed, the sound stopped only as their lips met in a lazy kiss. Reid sighed happily, wrapping his arms around Luke as well.
"I think we still have some brainstorming to do," Reid said, pulling back from the kiss. "Want to know where I do my best brainstorming?" he asked with a seductive smirk.

"Hmm, I think I can guess," Luke grinned, kissing Reid lightly. They parted with smiles on their faces, again falling into a fairly typical routine. Reid pushed the plates and food back on the counter, but Luke reached around him, shaking his head with a laugh and grabbing the box of chicken, sticking it in the fridge. Reid shrugged and started flipping off lights.

"Sleep well, Doogie," he said to the dog as he flipped off the main light in the living room.

"You're not naming him Doogie," Luke called, flipping off the kitchen light. The hallway light was all that was left, glowing into the room.

"Of course not," Reid said with a grin. Luke didn't believe him for a second. He didn't say anything, though, and instead came up to Reid and took his hand.

"Let's not talk dog names," Luke laughed pleadingly, linking his arms around Reid's neck and hanging on him sweetly.

"I thought you wanted me to improve my small talking skills," Reid said sarcastically.

"Oh, so you want to sit and talk then?" said Luke.

Reid wrapped his arms around the other man's waist possessively, pressing them closer together. "Definitely not," Reid grinned, claiming Luke's lips in an eager kiss. They stumbled back through the hallway, not bothering to hit the lights as they closed Reid's bedroom door behind them.

!author|artist: sripley, rating: pg, fan fiction

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