Harrow ^^

May 12, 2010 11:29

Hey guys! I've been obsessively stalking this community for ages now so thought it was high time I introduce myself to all you lovely LuRe shippers ^^

Name: Hillary
Location:: Malta (that sunny little island in the middle of the Mediterranean!)
Age:: 18

What other shows do you like to watch?:
Criminal Minds, Veronica Mars, How I Met Your Mother

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?:
I always loved Luke and liked his relationship with Noad, but the second Reid came on the show he became my favourite character (that snarkiness <3) so how could I not want them together when it's so evidently meant to be? :')

How did you find out about this group?:
I was searching madly for LuRe spoilers and stumbled upon the group!

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?
I love to write although I'm always shy about posting fanfics up, but will probably do so once my stoopiddd A levels are over with because one can never have enough LuRe fics around eh :D My photoshop went wack so probably won't be able to make stuff for a while, but I have a fanmix in the works :)

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?:
I only follow Luke's Story on Lukevanfan's channel because ATWT doesn't show where I live, but I do like Noah/Luke back when Noah's character had a semblance of a personality (and before Reid came onto the scene and made my brain turn to aaghaghaknf;o9 xD). I'd love to see Lily/Holden endgame, and I liked Maddie/Casey but got totally lost with their story so have no idea how things ended up there :')

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):

Dr. Reid Oliver: So you're telling me that if I had told you that I'm a Pisces, yet, ironically, allergic to fish, you and I would have bonded?

Isn't that EVERYBODY'S favourite quote? :') The one where Katie asked if he's a doctor whilst he was wearing scrubs and he told her that she's clearly not the next Mozart killed me too ^^ I just love any line that comes out of his mouth, wittiness makes me happy :D There are some awesome videos on youtube just featuring his best lines and I stick them on repeat because they made me lol!

Anyway, pleased to meet'cha all my pretties! x]

!!intro post

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