Maya (chapter six)

Sep 16, 2010 20:28

Title: Maya
Author: thatsiturdead aka becky.
Summary: luke brought reid to oakdale with a different form of blackmail, under damiens manipulations. reid is angry, but not only because hes been taken away from his patients by a spoilt brat, but cause hes been taken away from someone else too....
Warnings: um, no spoilers as its AU. im still technically practicing writing atm, so im not sure if im ready to write smut.. maybe in later chapters? not making promises though. and i suppose i should warn you im still learning with writing, so im terribly sorry if im awful! oh and theres gonna be angst.
Disclaimer : not mine. if they were, we'd be celebrating right now, not crying.
Rating: pg-13.
A/N : chapter six :D! im still tired, but in a much better mood today. and because today is the second last luke day, i decided i was gonna give yous some sweetness between reid and maya. i dunno how awful/sad/painful/not good enough this episode is, because i stopped watching just after reid said 'i love you' to luke, as i couldnt watch him die. even now, im still not ready so in my head the show is over and reid and luke are together. and in my imagination, im restarting the storyline again and changing alot, which is the makings of this fic! hugs to everyone, hope your all feeling okay after todays episode no matter what it made people feel. i miss reid, just like im sure all of you do too, but we'll get through it together by donating and following eric and vans work :). if you want to read any previous chapters then click on my authors tag. no beta, all mistakes are mine! enjoy my fellow lurians <3

Sunday morning came within what felt like minutes after Reid went to sleep. It took him until 4am to finally doze off, and now he was awake again by 8am. Ofcourse, he was a doctor so he was used to barely sleeping incase an emergency came up or whatever, but when it came to having a night off he liked getting 8 hours kip.

Saturday and sundays were always his two days off, as they were Sarah's. When it had just been them two, it was only sundays he took off. But when Maya came along, he liked the whole weekend to spend with his daughter. Unless emergencies came about, then he'd hurry back into work and deal with it.

Him, Sarah and Maya had breakfast like a normal typical family and then Reid went to shower as Sarah looked after Maya. Taking off his clothes, he couldnt help but think about Luke. Why was he so drawn to this guy? What was it about him that Reid couldnt ignore?

Getting out of the shower, he quickly wrapped a towel around himself and walked into his bedroom to dry off and get dressed. Maybe Luke's brown eyes of adorableness was what made him-

Reid shook his head, annoyed at himself. No way did he just use the word adorable to describe somebody.

Mind you, he does use that word when he's describing- Oh shut up, brain. Someone other than Maya then.

As Reid got dressed he thought about what the had guy asked. Charlie pub. Six oclock.

He probably just wanted to have company again, nothing sexual, he thought to himself. Deep down, he knew he was lying.

Quickly combing his still damp hair, Reid sighed. No matter how much he tried to make an excuse for it, or try to make it seem innocent, he knew. Knew that if he did go tonight, it would end one way and one way only. If he was honest, that was the main reason he couldnt stop thinking about the offer in the first place. After all, he was only human.

When he was done, he quickly went down the stairs to watch Maya as Sarah went for her shower and got ready. It didnt matter what may happen that night, because right now he had to focus on his family.

Going out for shopping, to be more precise. Reid really hated shopping, more than he hated small talk.

Usuaully, Sarah would do the shopping online but the computer had died a couple of weeks back, due to old age. It had been Sarah's computer for longer than they had been married, so it was about time it finally died. Didnt mean Reid was happy about having to go out to get food and get a new laptop Sarah had been eyeing up. He sighed again and started playing with Maya as he waited for his wife.


Reid was at the park, pushing Maya on one of the baby swings. When out shopping, he had gotten bored out of his mind. The crowds of the store really wasnt good for his claustrophobia, either. Sarah had noticed this and offered for him to take Maya to the nearby park as she finished up the shopping. Grateful, Reid had agreed.

So here he was, pushing Maya back and forth slowly. Every single time Maya swung foward towards Reid, she would make a grab for him giggling happily. He couldnt help but laugh at her cuteness. It seemed whenever he was around, she would do everything to get his attention. Ofcourse, Reid always gave her his attention every single day as he adored his child, but she still seemed to like being held all the time by him. Especially at night. She liked being rocked to sleep in her dads arms and Reid always appreciated that moment he had with her.

"Daddy!" Maya squeeled excitedly at him, bringing him out of his thoughts. His heart always exploded with love when she called him 'dada' but this had been the first time she called him 'daddy'. He smiled at the infant, who was grining back at him happily as he reached for her, picking her out of the swing and bringing her close to his chest. She cuddled into him, her arms stretching out to grab at his nose.

"Who's a clever girl?" he cooed as he kissed her forehead. Reid started making faces at her, which made her giggle some more. It was sunny outside even though it was still rather cold, so as he looked at her he noticed the blondness of her hair. Although at the supermarket it seemed a sort of red colour. Huh, people are right. Our hair is confusing.

Maya looked up at him, her blue eyes sparkling beautifully. Time with Maya helped him forget about Luke. For a little while, atleast.


Six oclock came and Luke was at the charlie pub, hoping for the life of him that Reid would show up. He had called Damien to tell him he ran into the doctor the following night and had set up a possible meeting with him that night. Damien had told him to hurry up and get it done, because people back in Oakdale were wondering why Luke was in Dallas.

He had also called Noah, who finally answered his phone. Noah had told him he'd been busy with Maddie for the last couple of days, so he hadnt been returning anybodys calls. Luke couldnt help but feel slightly jelous that Maddie was getting to spend more time with his boyfriend than he was. Noah didnt push anyone else away, just him. Infact, he wasnt just jelous. He was simply pissed off.

Nerves were attacking him though, as he was waiting for Reid. A part of him wanted him to show up, because he liked his company and when he was with him friday night, Noah was nowhere in his mind. That was only a small part though, the bigger part wanted him to show just so he could get this over with and could lure the doctor to Oakdale.

An hour later, Reid still hadnt shown. Luke was beginning to feel a bit like an idiot, waiting for an hour for a guy he barely knew. When did i get so lonely?

Finishing his drink, he got a cab back to his hotel, already planning the conversation he was going to have with Damien. He knew Damien was getting frustrated with him and if he was honest, he was getting frustrated too. Walking into the hotel lobby however, he noticed the doctor on a chair waiting for him. Cautiously, he walked over as Reid noticed him, standing up.

"What are you doing here? I thought i said Charlie pub at six?" he asked as he came to a stop in front of Reid. The man in question looked a mixture of being sure of himself yet not sure of himself at all. Luke didnt even pretend that made sense.

"I had other things to do, first," at this, Reid smiled. More to himself than to Luke, then continued, "Look, i think we should get a few things straight."


"Im not going to have sex with you."

Luke stared at him, shocked. Well, damn. Dont put it nicely or anything, way to go for not hurting the feelings.

"Um, im not really sure how you want me to reply to that," Luke replied, trying to hide his disappointment and slight hurt from his face. Looking up at Reid, however, told him that he wasnt doing a very good job.

"I didnt mean for it to sound like that, its just... There are things you dont know about me," Luke couldnt help but notice Reid's gaze drop to the floor as he said the last part, which caused Luke to smile fondly. He wasnt quite sure why.

"There are things you dont know about me, too. But thats why this works. You dont know anything about my life and i dont know anything about yours. We dont have a past or anything. The only thing we do know is we like eachothers company. Im not planning on filling you in on my life, nor am i planning on letting you do the same to me. I like it like this."

"Basically, you like the anonymous thing?"

"No, basically i just like the way you look and i like your company. I dont need to know your life story to know if i like you or not. It can be a no-strings-attached thing, or it can be a meet-up-occasionally thing. Either way, i just like being around you."

He hadnt meant to lie as he was describing what 'this' between them could be. Really, he hadnt. Luke had hoped he wouldnt have to lie to his face, but he couldnt allow Reid to tell him he was a doctor if his plan was to work. And he couldnt allow Reid to get too personally attached, or him for that matter.

Looking at Reid though, judging by his face it seemed that that was the answer he had been looking for. Or something along those lines, anyway.

"But i stay true to what i said, im not going to have sex with you... tonight."

Luke gave him a curious look as he replied, "Why not?"

A smirk spread across Reid's face as he leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on Luke's lips. Just as their lips had connected Reid instantly pulled away and said, "Im not easy, so if you really want that then you'll have to wait a bit longer than three days. If thats too much hassle for you, then you can leave and not bother me again."

Luke smiled, impressed. He hadnt thought tonight would turn out like this, thats for sure. But he had to admit, Reids decision.... admirable. In a way, it made Luke even more determined.

"Oh, its no hassle at all," he replied, winking. The two men smiled at eachother then made a silent agreement to walk over to the bar and get a drink.

Nope. No hassle at all. Not like his father was pressuring him to get a move on with things, even if it had only been three days. And not like he was supposed to get back to Oakdale pretty soon, bringing this guy with him to operate on Noah. Not like he had a boyfriend.

So why was that little act making Luke feel a fondness for Reid? Respect even? Hell, making him want to get closer to him?

He wasnt sure. But at that moment, he couldnt bring himself to care.

!author|artist: thatsiturdead, fan fiction

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