So I wore body armor to work yesterday. Given what I do for a living that's not that unusual. However the vest was labeled Large Regular C-cup, Female. And here's the real wierd part, it was the best fitting ballistic vest I've ever worn. Normaly vest are maed of two flat pannels that are velcroed tight at the tops and sides. This one was
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Comments 19
military humor FTW- you should so submit this to reader's digest humor in uniform- cause it's literal this time!
How are you?
I'm doing pretty good all things concidered. Getting ready for more fun in the sun, if you know what I mean.
How's life treating ya? Still working admin down there?
Life's ok - had quite a few downs (hence being so quiet for the last few months) but things have picked up in a good way. Swapped areas - still admin work but far happier where I am. I'll email you better details later - if the email addy I have hasn't changed that is...
I prefer to think of my self as well rounded thank you. ;)
Oh yeah and before you get on us old err I mean experienced guy's cases, remember the story about the old bull and the young bull.
p.s. what brand are you using? I got a Gator Hawk level III-A vest last year and love it.
Nothin' against old soldiers or the big burly SAW gunner types. Just there are a lot of them out there that haven't taken care of themselves like they should've.
XD You sure have changed since I saw you last then huh? HA!
I'm just teasing you hun. *hugs* so how are you?
Aww I'm doin' alright. Packing up the last of my stuffs. I'm getting kinda nervous about leaving in two weeks. Guess my biggest regret is missing AFF and my friends this year. Survive the holidays intact Asandria?
Yeah, I was thinking it was getting pretty close to time for you to leave :( I'll be sending you thoughts and prayers that you will be okay <3
I actually probably won't be going to AFF this year either. I really can't afford it this time around. I'm a little glad about that though since you won't be there, it won't be the same.
Eh, sort of. I ended up with a sinus infection and just stayed home. I don't know how the weather has been up there but down here it was pretty nasty so not a lot was going on anyway. I did have some fun with family though and that is all that matters :)
How did you fair?
Aww I'm sure it'll still be a blast, there are a lot of awesome people about, but I understand. Definantly see you there in '09. ;)
Meh, sinuses are fine as long as you don't know there there. Had one decided to get stuffed up and swollen for a couple days last week. Felt like being pummeled with a two by four. Kinda wish I had a gas chamber in the back yard, there's nothing in the world like a good does of tear gas to clean out your system.
*snugs* Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts wile I'll be away. I could write or call if ya want.
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