Let's start over

Jul 30, 2011 12:08

I am...

a fiction writer. Haven't been doing much of it lately, although I always have ideas floating around in my noggin. I DID write half a novel for my thesis. If there is enough interest I will post it here. Be forewarned, it ends on the climax.

a book worm. I've read thirty books so far this year, which isn't as much as usual. I blame school. I don't always write reviews although I keep track of books on goodreads. If I find a book striking I will post a review here.

horse crazy. I am currently not riding, which I find hurtful as it is good exercise, cathartic, and therapuetic for me. I miss Shakahn and Bree all the time.

an artist. Mostly, I'm a mini model equine artist, but I'm also very crafty. I have a personal website at www.watchful-creatures.com and a facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/wolfsongstudios. Here's a nice picture of my work. The Arabian mare is a recent finished piece.

a animal rescue advocate. I rescued both of my dogs--Ducati, a chihuahua mutt and Enzo, a manchester terrier. I can't tell you how reliant I am on both of them. Here's two recent pictures of them in a creek at the park.

a graduate student. But not for long. Graduation in six days.

mentally ill. I suffer from aggitated and major depression. Social and general anxiety disorders and PTSD. I also battle self-injury and binge eating.I have a psychologist and a psychiatrist. I also go to support groups. I eat a cocktail of meds every day.

a rape and sexual assault survivor. Memories of which I repressed for years. I've been trying to recover from the trauma for about a year and a half now. Sometimes my body thinks it's still happening. Yes, it has affected my current relationship but Josh is just about as patient a man one could hope for. And interestingly (and frusturatingly) I find the first incident, in retrospect, greatly affected my behavior in college.

On a journey to find "God". Looking for comfort in something greater than myself.

have horrible body image. But who doesn't? I am currently plus-sized, which I often find hideous at best. But what can you do but seek to change this? Here's a current picture of me taken for graduation portraits.

not hiding anymore. So if you stumble across this journal take the previous in mind. If you're already a friend, well, guess you'll just have to deal with me.

about me

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