Writing my own blog challenge

Oct 31, 2010 10:34

Doing this blog challenge over at my blog got me thinking. What if I wrote my own blog challenge, specifically catered to people who love to read/write? Would anyone else participate? So I created a 15 day challenge which I, at least, plan on doing it here at my journal and at Mal-diction later. What do you think? Feel free to steal and link back. :)

Day 1 -Best Writing Advice You Ever Recieved
Day 2 - Favorite quote from a writer
Day 3 - Favorite quote about writing
Day 4 - Most Memorable English Class
Day 5 - a poem
Day 6- A Picture of your to - read pile
Day 7- Favortie Book about writing
Day 8 - Favorite Young Adult Book
Day 9- Favorite Non-Fiction Book
Day 10- Favorite genre book
Day 11 - Picture of you being writer-ly or reader-ly or English-y
Day 12 - A Song that inspires you to write
Day 13- Your writing tools
Day 14- City you would love to live and write in
Day 15 - Your advice for writers

blog challenge

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