Yunyun is so going to smirk at all the post

Jul 24, 2014 22:44

For once, I'm gonna start by the end. My stomach is dying with bliss right now, and is heavy as hell. 4.60 pounds. I got a duck confit blablanameblabla and a café gourmand (tea and mini-tarte tatin), plus my orangina for that price. Thanks to Aku, who works in le Café Rouge, a brand of French restaurants (yeeeeeah, I'm seeing lots of France here). ( Read more... )

travel, writing, food, book: never-ending reading pile, personal: friends, london

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Comments 9

irishvampire13 July 24 2014, 21:56:48 UTC
Wow; that is expensive for books; I paid $12 for 'Beautiful Chaos' when I got it. God, books; I can't get enough!


luorescence July 24 2014, 21:59:42 UTC
Yeah, it's like an addiction. I even have the guiltiness bit when I'm being reasonable.


a_phoenixdragon July 24 2014, 23:19:55 UTC many good things in this post, lol!! I was focused on duck...omg, so hungry!! WANT. OMFG...

Sorry, with all the awesome things in this post all I can do is stare at fooooood, lol!!


luorescence July 24 2014, 23:34:58 UTC

That's my mind when I'm eating duck XD

No it's okay. Food is great and lovely. Food is cool. Hail food!


flowsoffire July 25 2014, 06:34:07 UTC
Foodgasms ftw! :D And yeah, book prices are ridiculous in France, aren't they? Well, I guess they try to protect printed books and all that…


luorescence July 25 2014, 07:59:39 UTC
Yeah. At least, there always are cheaper alternatives and not just by buying on Amazon, which I don't do because I'm not fond of how it's run and I like being able to touch and feel books when I buy them. If you got an English bookshop near, you might wanna check it up, chances that the books are cheaper than the French version.


flowsoffire July 25 2014, 18:16:20 UTC
Yeah, that'd be lovely :) I used to get English books through my father in Paris, that was always nice! The covers are so lovely, too.


luorescence July 25 2014, 20:33:31 UTC
Yeah, the covers really want to make you buy it. I'm very suspicious when it comes to YA though XD The covers are often all pretty and shiny but then, you read the summary and you know it'll be some kind of Twilight-like romance mess XD And it always disappoints me a tad because it's like a waste of a beautiful art.


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