Before I crash out

Jul 06, 2014 04:24

We celebrated my grandmother's birthday tonight, so it was a bit crowded here. Had the surprise to see that one of my cousin is back from Montreal for about a week (it's the first time we see him in about one year and half) and his brother and his wife, who doesn't really see much of our side of the family since he married her a couple years ago. ( Read more... )

personal: life, personal: family, personal: friends

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Comments 15

a_phoenixdragon July 6 2014, 04:35:23 UTC
Ohhh, what a lovely time!! Happy Birthday to her!!



luorescence July 6 2014, 18:53:24 UTC
Thanks, dearie!



irishvampire13 July 6 2014, 05:22:55 UTC
Sounds like you had a fun day. :D ♥


luorescence July 6 2014, 18:54:01 UTC
It was! And it's always nice to see people I know I won't see in a long time :)


flowsoffire July 6 2014, 06:11:24 UTC
Sounds like some wonderful family time! :D :D :D

the oldest lives in Switzerland and the other in Japan
Mwah, Japan ♥ *envious*


luorescence July 6 2014, 18:55:52 UTC
Twas pretty nice o/

Ahah, my father is very happy about that since it's an excuse to tr.avel abroad and not pay hotel fees


flowsoffire July 6 2014, 19:07:01 UTC
And to Japan of all places! :D Aweeeesome…


luorescence July 6 2014, 19:09:02 UTC
Well, seeing that my brother is a bit of an otaku, it's not that surprising XD


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