Not *another* dream!

Mar 15, 2007 21:49

I am the pink Power Ranger and I am standing with the other Rangers on some kind of a bridge structure in the middle of a big crowd of people where we are about to put on a show. Our music is about to come on, but instead it's whatever that music is that is "presidential". At first all of the rangers stand their salute, but then I decide that this is horrible immoral for some reason that made sense in the dream. I get all ballsy and go up to the announcer and take his mic and make some big speech about how we're being nationalistic and that's bad and we need to be ashamed of the war or something... honestly I don't really know what I was talking about, but in the dream it was a really good speech, but the crowd starts to get angry at me. I expected some to, but no, this is everyone. It turns out that the whole time my speech was being intentionally mistranslated (into Japanese, because the crowd is Japanese...??) and so I try to start explaining myself, but I can't remember all the vocabulary. Then this young-ish man starts walking up to me from the crowd all upset-like. It turns out this guy is the creator of the Power Rangers son and he's not happy with my speech either, but I go up to him and explain to him what I really said and he thinks it's fabulous. We get really excited that we feel the same way and he goes on to explain that he's in the process of creating a new incarnation of the rangers that is "subversive". Naturally in this series the pink one would get to be the leader and the boys would be wussy, but there was a lot more complicated elements he was working in. We are trying to get out of the crowd, but it's difficult with all the people, so he gives me a piggyback ride and that causes a big commotion because the pink ranger and the creator's son dating is GOSSIP. Oh yeah, suddenly we're dating. He's super hot. Anyway, somehow we end up swimming in a pool in our clothes and make out under the water trying to be all secret so that people can't see us. (This makes no sense, but whatever.) And since it's a dream, we don't ever have to come up for air and let ourselves sink further and further down in the water.

Then later he was a programmer for The 7th Guest, but instead of it being a scary puzzle game it's this weird adventure game set on a farm outside a temple.

Unrelated to this dream, I am honestly freaked out by the places in my dreams that don't exist, but I seem to go to a lot. There are lots of pools and lockerooms (that never have any doors and are really creepy), there's this mall and this hotel... I think there are others, but I have a hard time keeping track of them consciously, but every now and again I will wake up and remember a dream I had before in a very similar place that I had forgotten about.


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