[230] DH: Chapter 6

Aug 12, 2007 12:05

I had the most wonderful and peaceful dream the other night. It was late evening and I was walking by a beach. The water was very calm but there were quiet waves, and the setting sun was casting a pale orange glow on the otherwise dark water and sky. I decided to lie down and go to sleep right there. Suddenly I was in my pajamas and lay down right next to the ocean, and the waves always approached me but never touched me and it was perfect, and there was nobody else around. And I slept in my dream, and the sand was soft and I felt the most peaceful I ever have. And as I woke up to the sight of the calm ocean I decided that I would never go to sleep anywhere else.

Chapter 6: The Goul In Pajamas

I approached this chapter remembering it as slightly boring, but there were more quotes than I expected!

"I think Mum thinks that if she can stop the tree of you getting together and planning, she'll be able to delay you leaving," Ginny told Harry in an undertone, as they laid the table for dinner on the third night of his stay.
    "And then what does she think's going to happen?" Harry muttered. "Someone else might kill off Voldemort while she's holding us here making vol-au-vents?"
    He had spoken without thinking, and saw Ginny's face whiten.

What are vol-au-vents, anyway? But it's great how Harry channels his frustration into humor. And I don't know why Ginny was so scared, what did she think Harry set out to do? Tour Europe?

"They were often joined by other Order members for dinner now, because the Burrow had replaced number twelve, Grimmauld Place as the headquarters."

There was a lot of speculation on what the new HQs would be, wasn't there? I didn't think the Burrow was likely but I guess anything works as long as you put protections on it and the Burrow was otherwise convenient.

"[Harry] was trying so hard to avoid brushing [Ginny's] arm he could barely cut his chicken."

I just thought that was cute.

"And are they getting married in my bedroom?" asked Ron furiously. "No! So why in the name of Merlin's saggey left--"

Would he keep going if his dad didn't stop him? Oh, Ron, such a gentelman.

Oh, wait, maybe he is--

"But with a great creaking of rusty bedsprings, Ron bounded off the bed and got there first. One arm around Hermione, he fished in his jeans pocket and withdrew a revolting-looking handkerchief that he had used to clean out the oven earlier. Hastily pulling out his wand, he pointed it at the rag and said, "Tergeo."
    The wand siphoned off most of the grease. Looking rather pleased with himself, Ron handed the slightly smoking handkerchief to Hermione.

lol @ smoking handkerchief. And I feel kinda bad, but I didn't care about Moody dying at all. I sort of figured he would, didn't sound like he could survive a second war with all his injuries.

"Oh, of course," said Ron, clapping a hand to his forehead. "I forgot we'll be hunting down Voldemort in a mobile library."

Hee. Hermione needs a laptop, an Internet connection, and a wizard Wiki instead of all those books. Didn't Jo say wizards have something better than the Internet? What the hell is that?

"I wonder.. will we need to translate runes? It's possible... I think we'd better take it, to be safe."

Oh, God, there was so much speculation before the book that Hermione's ancient runes skills will come into play, and that the weird symbol on the cover (the triangle, circle, line one) was a rune. And when I read this line, I was like "Yes! She WILL totally need to." But.. I guess not? Ok.

"Listen!" said Harry again.
"No, Harry, you listen," said Hermione. "We're coming with you. That was decided months ago-- years, really."
"Shut up," Ron advised him.

I want to smack Ron so bad, considering his actions later. But he was being sorta possessed, so hmm.

"I've also modified my parents' memories so that they're convinced they're really called Wendell and Monica Wilkins, and that their life's ambition is to move to Australia, which they have now done. That's to make it more difficult for Voldemort to track them down and interrogate them about me-- or you, because unfortunately, I've told them quite a bit about you.

Assuming I survive our hunt for the Horcruxes, I'll find Mum and Dad and lift the enchantment. If I don't-- well, I think I've cast a good enough charm to keep them safe and happy. Wendell and Monica Wilkins don't know that they've got a daughter, you see."

*STUNNED SILENCE* When I first read this.. wow. First I was horrified that Hermione could do that, then realized how much courage that must have taken. On the other hand, couldn't she have taken them to live with the Weasleys? That way we might have actually gotten to meet them and find out their real names. I.. I dunno. I don't think I could do what she did.

"Well.. it ws easy," said Hermione in a small voice. "I just did a Summoning Charm. You know-- Accio. And--- they zoomed out of Dumbledore's study window right into the girls' dormitory."

Ok. Dumbledore would have protected the Horcrux books much more heavily. So either whatever protections he put died with him, or he made it so if one of the Trio summoned the books, it would work? Dunno, but this is Suspiciously Easy Thing #1 in the book so far.

"But my point is that whatever happens to your body, your soul will survive, untouched," said Hermione. "But it's the other way round with a Horcrux. The fragment of soul inside depends o nits container, its enchanted body, for survival. It can't exist without it."

That's interesting, though obvious in hindsight.

"The silence was shattered as the bedroom door flew open with a wall-shaking crash. Hermioe shrieked and dropped Secrets of the Darkest Art; Crookshanks streaked under the bed, hissing indignantly; Ron jumped off the bed, skidded on a discarded Chocolate Frog wrapper, and smacked his head on the opposite wall; and Harry instinctively dived for his wand before realizing that hew was looking up at Mrs. Weasley, whose hair was disheveled and whose face was confronted with rage."

That paragraph is one of those detailed descriptions that you totally miss on your first read of the book. I'm under the impression that I've completely missed half of what happened during various battles later. Oh, and, Mrs. Weasley is freaking scary and insane as Overprotective Mother Extraordinaire.  Yeeeeesh.

"Mr. Weasley gave a maniacal laugh; Mrs. Weasley threw him a look, upon which he became immediately silent and assumed an expression appropriate to the sickbed of a close friend."

Ahahahah x) Ginny gets hear jealous side from Mummy, doesn't she? Ah, yes--

"[Gabrielle] threw Harry a glowing look, batting her eyelashes. Ginny cleared her throat loudly."

She's eleven, Ginny. Honestly. I liked her a lot in books 5&6 but she pretty much goes around being jealous of any girl talking to Harry in this book. :(

dreams, hp, book 7

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