Apparently I have 10 (different) songs on my iPod with the word "California" in the title.
Anyway, I've been catching up on webcomics and feel like sharing some fun ones:
AppleGeeks makes fun of the DBZ movie I lol'd
When Windows' suggestions get personal When Rayne confronts Disney executives about that !@#$ chihuahua movie Preach it, Rayne
Jesus vs. Hottest President Ever first strip in the Sinfest storyline wherein Slick seeks his own hot VP The hair-off was awesome.
Google and regrets. Often in xkcd the alt text is the punchline. It is the case here, I think. (In this one it says "And nothing for 'I'm glad I saw Epic Movie.'")
Google maps wouldn't steer us wrong! Anti-virus software and condoms. You know it makes sense. Geek forces. Things are pretty ok! And that is all. Except not. I have way too much to do except I don't really have anything to do except I do and it's been 3 days since I've been back? Whatwaitdoestimerunfasterhere?
Oh and one more thing. Check out this PostSecret from the latest batch: