[#59] Interesting.

Jan 30, 2007 18:30

So I've been discovering the fun that is reading JKR interviews from the 90s. Actually, it's not that fun because they all ask the same boring questions (how did you come up with harry? wow where do you get such creative names? how do you go about writing the book? SHE PICKS UP A PEN AND PUTS IT TO PAPER. SHEESH. anyway). Some quotes *are* interesting, though, and the idea is that back in, say, 1999 she was a bit less careful about what she says because nobody would've read 5 and 6 (especially 6) for many a year to come.

Thus, I present to you 3 quotes..

Lydon: Er - one of our connec- ... one of our internet correspondents wondered if Snape is going to fall in love?
JKR: Yeah? Who on earth would want Snape in love with them, that is a very horrible idea. Erm ...
Lydon: But you'd get an important kind of redemptive pattern to Snape
JKR: It is, isn't it ... I got ... There's so much I wish I could say to you, and I can't because it'd ruin ... I promise you ... whoever asked that question, can I just say to you that I'm - I'm slightly stunned that you've said that - erm - and you'll find out why I'm so stunned if you read book 7. And that's all I'm going to say.

Ok, Snape, love, redemption, important to book 7.

Peter: ... and I was wondering, are we going to learn a lot about Harry's mother?
JKR: yeah, you will. Erm - it's - errr - yet again kind of the - in - you won't find out ... OK, in book three, you're absolutely right, you find out a lot about Harry's father. Now, the - the important thing about Harry's mother - the really, really significant thing - you're going to find out in two - in two parts. You'll find out a lot more about her in book five, or you'll find out something very significant about her in book five, and you'll find out something incredibly important about her in book seven. But I can't tell you what those things are, so I'm sorry, but they - yes, you will find out more about her, because they're - both of them are very important in what Harry ends up having to do.

So the Book 5 thing would have to be the prophecy + Lily's protection of Harry. But "Snape's Worst Memory" is in there too. Why worst? It was certainly not the only time the Marauders tortured him, and probably not the worst thing they've done to him. Maybe it was the worst because Lily was there to see it? Hmm. But JKR's also said a number of times that Lilys's/Harry's eyes are important, so maybe that's the only significant thing left about her. But it's all a bit fishy!


MA: Oh, here’s one [from our forums] that I’ve really got to ask you. Has Snape ever been loved by anyone?
JKR: Yes, he has, which in some ways makes him more culpable even than Voldemort, who never has.

(2006 after HBP was published)

I think this refers not to anything in 6 but to when Snape was still a Death Eater. The whole telling-about-the-prophecy thing. And if he was actually in love/fond of Lily, that would explain why the Dumbledore gives his reason for trusting Snape as how remorseful the latter felt upon discovering who Voldemort killed because of the prophecy. Though I'm hoping there's a tiny bit more to that. As good as a reason that is, I'd want a bit *more* proof (if I was Dumbledore).

This also expalins perfectly why Dumbledore refuses to tell anyone his complete reason for trusting Snape- Snape has asked him not to tell anyone how he felt about Lily. Makes sense, no?

Ok, I'm done. And wandering if anyone actually reads my hp posts.


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