Well then!

Jan 24, 2012 09:16

I haven't really been updating and I apologize. I guess I got tired of just pouring excessive whining into this thing while I sit and pace around for Bradley. My year hasn't really been off to an eventful start because of it. Regardless- Happy New Year, blablabla. Worlds gonna end yo. Worlds gonna end. You know... a year or two ago I was terrified and believed all of that but now I noticed I'm starting to think logically. I sure hope it's not but... I want a baby and my mind is actually trying to kick me into shutting up about it.

Anyways, this year I am excited for a lot of things. First, my Husband. I can't wait to start our lives together. Second, Ren Faire. Way to go, Katie. Look what you did! You pulled me in and I love it. This year I hope I will be less of a grumpy pants and experience all the more and I hope Brad will be there eventually to experience it too.  Third, SUPERCON! It WILL be Bradley's first convention and this year their guests are turning out to be amazing. I have our table already prepared and I'm going to do awesome. I have to do awesome. The girls will do awesome! Katie with her beautiful new rings and Christie with her awesome of AWESOME OF ANYTHING! I want to see Justin make a Nyan cat painting this year an sell that.

I have everything I need for a charm display that I will be making at work. I want to surprise the girls with it though. I MAY tell Justin.

See... I had this whole post planned out and now ... look at me. I'm ranting.
I want to draw. 
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