Happy Friday!

May 30, 2008 09:59

It's a payday Friday, so Jason and I are going to dinner and a movie after work tonight.
We always try to have a dinner and a movie date on payday Fridays (if there's a movie out we want to see).
I'm really excited about the movie we'll be seeing tonight.
It's called The Fall. It looks to be such a visually stunning movie with a beautiful story. It reminds me a little of Pan's Labyrinth (which totally blew my mind) in that there are two stories being told side by side, reality and a tale of fantasy intertwined.

You have to watch the trailer if you haven't heard about this movie. It's a shame it's getting such a limited release, but such is usually the case with foreign films.
Luckily, there's a theater pretty close to us that's playing it, and it's right by a cute little French cafe that we're going to have dinner at.

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I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and beautiful weekend!


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