Oh my god, work is kiiiiiiilling me.
I spent all weekend playing catch-up on work I didn't have time to do during the week. (I'm salary and on-call, so I work until I'm satisfied that my work is done, which I never am because I'm a sadistic workaholic.
Yes, I realize I do this to myself.) We're hiring someone to help me, and our team, soon.
(Note to self: I need to write up some training docs in the next two weeks. Eep!
) Don't get me wrong, I still absolutely love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything, but boy has this week been killer with all the new things we've released. Between work, going to the gym, and getting all the usual errands and housework done, goodness I've had so little time to just relax.
Last week was just totally c-r-a-z-y at work.
You'll never hear me complain for lack of things to do at work, that's for sure!
And it was Jason's birthday (on the 22nd) and our three-year anniversary (on the 23rd) last week as well.
Suffice to say, we didn't get to celebrate much, but we did manage to go out to dinner and a movie a couple times!
We went and saw Forbidden Kingdom and Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Both were awesome and come with my recommendation.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall was especially fun. It's a great date movie (but beware the full male frontal nudity at the beginning of the film--you've been warned). Jason and I haven't laughed that much during a movie since we saw Superbad together.
I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow! I should be a little less busy than I was over the weekend (crazy, huh?). Well, I'm off to catch some shut-eye before the week starts. Sweet dreams, darlings~