For this year and next year, I'll be away from home during Halloween. The holiday is on a Saturday this year. I'll be getting home from KRCC around 8:20-8:30, long after most of the trick-or-treaters have gone home. Since next year is a leap year, Halloween will be on a Monday. I'll get home from my OA meeting around 7 PM, so I likely won't have any visitors then, either.
I volunteered to bring a dessert to a Halloween potluck at my Toastmasters meeting. I found a couple of recipes which sound excellent: pumpkin pie cheesecake, and a honey/peanut butter dip (I think I'll use the dip with apple slices instead of the apple pie balls in the recipe.) I just discovered a "trick" a few minutes ago. Someone hacked my PayPal account earlier today and made several withdrawals. I changed my password and filed disputes with PayPal.