I'm sorry I'm so absent all the time!

Dec 11, 2011 02:15

I know, f-list and lurkers, I know.  I'm an awful, awful friend on here.  Feel free to de-friend me.  I keep telling myself I will get back to being as devoted of a reader/commenter as I was before, but ever since I started working in October, I just haven't been on here much.

It's like, I either read and don't have time to comment (since lj is mainly something I check during my break at work, and I tend to youtube at home...or try to get some writing done) or I don't even have time to read at all.  I've barely looked at fanfic in months, mostly because I find it hard to get into it now.  I mean, the Fringe stories over the last five months have been woefully lacking in either talent (harsh as that may sound) or interest for me.  The latter of which I mean, most are now either Olivia/Olivia (not for me, thanks) or have switched to Olivia/Lincoln, which I don't ship and never have.  I'm staunchly P/O and there are very few writers who write that convincingly, and they update very rarely.  As for DW, I haven't even read a DW fic in two months, I don't think.  Cos LJ is where I read that, and well...as I said, it's rare that I've been on here recently.

Fell a bit behind on my shows as well, but I hope to remedy that this weekend.

Is everyone else receiving as much spam on their comments as I am?  I'm thinking I may have to start friends-locking everything except for story postings soon because it's getting pretty damn ridiculous.

I have found that I can't watch anything without mentally writing fanfic for it.  Seriously.  I was watching my way through the seven seasons of Are You Afraid of the Dark? and found myself writing fanfic focusing on the Gary/Sam relationship cos I was wondering what happened to it between s05 and Gary's appearance in the three part serial the Tale of the Silver Sight at the beginning of s07.  (Yes, people.  My brain so does these things.)

I'm working on writing a Nightmare Before Christmas fanfic for this Christmas season.  I've been writing it in my head since 2008 (you can read a snippet of it on here from about a year ago), and I've decided I'm really going to sit down and do it.  It's only a one-shot and spending three years on it is long enough, I think.  I think it coincides nicely with the fact that I wrote a Corpse Bride fanfic for Hallowe'en last year.  Rounds things out a bit.

I'm also working on the next chapter of HP and the Light at Lantern Waste (finally) and I find that my brain likes to work on writing my Fringe fic Turn of a Friendly Card while I'm at work (my brain is very Peter-centric these days given the poor guy's loneliness this season.  We'll ignore the fact that my fic has absolutely nothing to do with the current plotline).  And I'm already planning my six year anniversary gift for the Doctor.  It's a big one.  :)  I think he'd be really touched if he was, y'know, real...


va suckage, real life, fan fiction, fandom, geekdom, inspiration needed!, livejournal, randomage

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