I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year! I spent mine with
quirkyoppossum , and spent some time not only hanging with her housemate, but also her family. We played a lot of Rock Band and Beatles Rock Band, and watched a bit of Classic!Who together (Fourth Doctor era, woohoo!). In addition, we also did some vidding for Fringe -- created an entirely AU storyline together and all because of this random clip idea that popped into my head when we were looking at a list of possible song choices. I told her my thought, we laughed together, and then decided we had to vid *that* song, which was originally going to be used for a DW vid. The vid got finished, but there were some parts where the clips were glitching that my friend wanted to fix. It was annoying because they weren't glitching in the actual episode and they didn't glitch while she was cutting them. Everything would be fine until she inserted it into the vid. But, she's working on fixing that so look for a post from me about that within the next couple of days. Possibly even this evening!
Apart from that, life here has been kind of slow. I did make some goals for this year though. (Goals, not resolutions because I don't stick to resolutions very well. Much better to just have something to strive for, not promises which will inevitably be broken).
1) Learn to do the dance that's in the Hanson "Thinking 'Bout Something" music video. It's the same dance from a key scene in the film The Blues Brothers, and I want to know it!
2) Write and finish at least 5 fanfics -- 2 of which must be multichapter and 2 of which must be a fandom I've never written before.
3) Finish off the multichapter DW fic I started years ago.
4) Find a paying job that doesn't make me think mainly of killing myself or other people.
5) Start learning Welsh.
6) Write at least one hundred pages of my original novel, if I don't finish it entirely.
7) Start planning these trips I plan to take to other countries, especially my next trip to the UK.
8) Go to at least 10 concerts.
9) Go native in Germany.
10) Fulfill my goal of having a dream about dancing hot dogs.
Meme 1 -- 30 Day Meme: Day 28-- Something That You Miss, in Great Detail
In a way, I guess I kind of miss my high school naivete. I'll openly admit that I've become quite a bit jaded since the beginning of 12th grade (17 years old). When I was younger, I had so much hope about everything. I didn't necessarily think that everything would come easily or that I would accomplish everything I had set my mind to because I knew that the world didn't work that way. But, I did genuinely believe that "all things worked for the good of those who love God." And, since I loved God and thought He loved me, I believed that wherever he had me end up, I would be happy.
But, I didn't get what I worked so hard for, and I watched all by lonesome as one by one each dream I had crashed and burned repeatedly. And I tried to be happy with that -- tried to tell myself that everything would be okay, that God wanted the best for me, and that if I embraced the few doors He *was* opening for me that I would feel complete. But I wasn't happy and I didn't feel complete. I just felt empty and bitter and tired and abandoned, which quickly gave way to angry and resentful and apathetic, which gave way to me as I am today. And that person is cynical, pessimistic, sardonic, and rather unfeeling. I love to help people, but I don't have any sort of fuzzy feelings when I do the action. I only do it because mentally I'm a socialist and I don't like to see people suffer, but I find myself uninterested in their life story or what their name is. I'd much rather help and then just be left to myself. In high school, I would never have been like that -- I would have offered to fix your roof if it was leaking and then invited you to tea and sat with you for hours, wanting to know every detail of your life up to that point and I would also have taken notes and made sure to give you a hug before you left.
I miss believing that the world was my oyster. Now, I pretty much think of it as the Walrus and the Carpenter. It lures you from a place of safety with the promise of better things if you only follow these conditions --go to uni, dare to dream, make connections, etc. -- and then eats you up and spits you back out again. And you can't go back to the happy Oyster Garden under the sea because there's too little of you left to make a whole creature; you're more just an abstract thought.
Huh...I sound emo, lol.
Day 01 - Introduction
Day 02 - Your first love, in great detail
Day 03 - Your parents, in great detail
Day 04 - What you ate today, in great detail
Day 05 - Your definition of love, in great detail
Day 06 - Your day, in great detail
Day 07 - Your best friend, in great detail
Day 08 - A moment, in great detail
Day 09 - Your beliefs, in great detail
Day 10 - What you wore today, in great detail
Day 11 - Your siblings, in great detail
Day 12 - What’s in your bag, in great detail
Day 13 - This week, in great detail
Day 14 - What you wore today, in great detail
Day 15 - Your dreams, in great detail
Day 16 - Your first kiss, in great detail
Day 17 - Your favorite memory, in great detail
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday, in great detail
Day 19 - Something you regret, in great detail
Day 20 - This month, in great detail
Day 21 - Another moment, in great detail
Day 22 - Something that upsets you, in great detail
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better, in great detail
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry, in great detail
Day 25 - A first, in great detail
Day 26 - Your fears, in great detail
Day 27 - Your favorite place, in great detail
Day 28 - Something that you miss, in great detail
Day 29 - Your aspirations, in great detail
Day 30 - One last moment, in great detail
Meme 2: Men of Awesome
Number 3:
DI Sam Tyler from BBC's Life on Mars
[Sam, Gene, Ray and Chris are covertly bugging a suspect's garage. Suddenly, a police siren can be heard outside]
Ray Carling: The law! The law!
Gene Hunt: Get down, you div!
[they all duck behind a car]
Sam Tyler: [realising] *We are* the law, you bloody clowns!
My name is Sam Tyler. I had an accident and I woke up in 1973. Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time? Whatever's happened, it's like I've landed on a different planet. Now, maybe if I work out a reason, I can get home. -- Overvoice for the credits
Hands down, my favourite cop ever. Now, for most fans, Sam's boss DCI Gene Hunt is the favourite, and I do love Gene more than words can say. But, I have a thing for characters who are a bit out of their depth, and no one personifies "out of his depth" like DI Sam Tyler. The poor guy starts out as a DCI for the Greater Manchester Police in 2006, on the case to find a killer who has just abducted a girl he loves dearly, but has been having some issues with, and then gets hit by a car and wakes up 33 years in the past...and he's been demoted to DI!
The poor guy makes a total ass of himself in front of his new boss because he thinks someone is pulling a prank on him, and gets a punch in the stomach from Gene as a hello. And things only go south from there for poor Sam. The only real friend he makes is WPC Annie Cartwright, who doesn't believe him (she thinks he's maintaining a hallucination from the concussion he got having a "car accident" on the way to the CID from "Hyde"), but she at least cares about him and tries to make him appear less insane in front of the rest of the station.
According to actor John Simm, Sam Tyler was supposed to come across as "a bit of a dick" in the opening scenes of Life on Mars. He is all brain and no heart, completely dedicated to evidence and procedure, and quick to sacrifice personal relationships for duty. Strangely, it's this personality that made me love Sam from the get-go. After all, while he may be a bit of a downer on the personal level, this makes him an unbeatable cop. You know, even after he wakes up in 1973 that if Sam Tyler is on the case, there will be so much evidence against the criminal that when it goes to court, the case will be water tight and there's no way that the criminal is going to walk.
Sam's one real pitfall is that his dedication gives him a bit of a moral ego (as evidenced by 1x04), which not only makes him joke fodder for Gene and the rest of the CID gang, but also makes him prime bait for honey traps. Tell him that he's the only "good" cop in town and he'll be out of your hand because nothing gets him on your side more than trusting him above anyone else. Despite that being a downfall of his, it's an idea well earned. After all, he is the most moral of all the cops, and the most equally minded. After all, he's the one who gets Annie promoted from WPC to DC -- the first real woman on Gene's floor of CID -- Sam alone noticed and commended her for her brilliance and made sure the rest of the station took note too. And Sam refused to make fun of DC Glen Fletcher for the colour of his skin and made Fletcher see just how amazing of a leader he could eventually become (granted, in this case, Sam had the advantage of being from the future and knew how great of an impact Fletcher would eventually have). And it was Sam that Gene came to when all the evidence pointed to the idea that Gene had committed murder, trusting that Sam would help him prove his innocence. And Gene was right.
Sam has my undying devotion, not only because he's good and strong and moral (with a good taste in music and telly -- he cracked a DW joke, lol!), but because he doesn't give up. He's tempted at times, and he can make a real cock-up of things, but in the end, he's always willing to face the music. And despite missing 2006 and all the people there, he figures out how to make a real life for himself in 1973. He's not where he wants to be, but he finds ways to be content, and as a person who can't seem to be this way herself (no matter how hard I try), I idolise him greatly for that characteristic.
Talented cop. Good man. Understanding human being. What more can one ask for from one of their television heroes?