For some reason I can't explain, I know St. Peter won't call my name...

May 22, 2009 00:11

Okay, so I saw Coldplay in concert last night for the first time ever.  And in case you missed that I SAW COLDPLAY IN CONCERT LAST NIGHT AND THEY WERE AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND ALL THINGS AWESOME!!!!  For one thing, they played for two hours (which made the 34 bucks I paid for it worth it), and they are COMPLETE AND TOTAL DORKS.  I seriously think that Chris Martin and Matt Thiessen (from Relient K) need to get together and do a concert together cos I might die from the adorkableness.

At one point, at the end of Talk, Chris forgot the notes he was going to play and kept trying to correct himself and finally went, "Fuck it.  I forgot what I was doing."  And planes kept going overhead and they kept working in their annoyance at it into the song lyrics.  And their pyrotechnics were AMAZING.  And Chris dances all around the place like a crazy person.  He literally collapsed after Viva La Vida.  The man is also very flexible, let me say.  (And they gave out free EPs at the door on the way out!)

All in all, it rates number 3 on my list of concerts out of 167, tied with Oasis.  The only two bands beating them are Billy Joel (who else would be number 1 with me.  I mean, really?) and Styx.  And they are rated just above Daughtry.  And I'm definitely not crying buckets over missing that American Idol finale cos after Gokey got voted off, I didn't care who would win cos I wasn't a big fan of either contestant (although, I'm glad Kris won over Lambert cos I can't stand Lambert).

In other news, I start my internship next wednesday.  I had a three hour orientation/interview today with my supervisor over cataloguing procedure and got a tour of the museum.  I'm VERY EXCITED...and terrified.  Cos I have no idea what I'm doing and it all sounds so very complicated.  I was a tad overwhelmed, I can't lie.  But I know that after a few days, I'll be okay.

On Fringe related news, they are apparently replacing three people.   First, Brad Kane (a co-producer and director of 3 eps) is leaving, JR Orci (not to be confused with Roberto Orci)  who wrote 5 eps this past season is leaving, and apparently Kirk Acevedo's (who plays Agent Charlie Francis) contract did not get renewed due to budget cuts.  Everyone online is talking like this will be the end of the series.  WTF?!  First off, Kane directed 3 eps and I had never even heard of the man before (and I keep track of this kind of stuff, thanks to my brother's film studies OCDness).  JR Orci only wrote 5 out of 20 episodes.  Now, if Roberto Orci had withdrawn his hand from the show, I would be worried (he, along with Alex Kurtzman and JJ Abrams, created the show) because then they would be losing one of their best writers (he also wrote for Alias, Lost, Star Trek, and Transformers I and II).  Now, the only one that has me slightly upset is them getting rid of Kirk Acevedo.  However, out of all the characters, I can see why his was the one they cut.  His character was just a member of the FBI and was created to be an outside character for Olivia to talk to.  But he didn't really play a HUGE part in the grand scheme of things.  I'm not happy about it, but the cut makes sense and I'd rather it be Charlie than say Walter, Peter, or Astrid.  Broyles obviously has a much bigger role in things than Olivia knows about, as does Nina Sharpe.  That's all the main characters right there.  Charlie was the only semi-expendable character.  And knowing the writers of the show, they'll give him a good send off.

I think the real crux of the problem for the fans is that, despite the claim of his contract being shelved over budget cuts, they are looking for a replacement character.  This time a female.  Which makes a lot of fans angry because they see it as the writers and producers looking for more attractive people, and a potential love triangle.  I CAN see the validity in this argument.  I mean, in one series, we've already had a love triangle with Peter, Rachel, and Olivia.  However, I can only imagine a  second series triangle would be a bit more dramatic, given the characters know each other a little better.

I trust my writers though.  They've never really steered me wrong on Alias or Lost (despite Jack still being alive.  I keep hoping he'll die eventually).  All the hints point towards an *eventual* Peter/Olivia pairing, but those two have certain numce moments (yes, I picked that word up from Alias), and it will probably take them a few tries before they figure out that the one they really want is the signficant other.  Peter can be especially hardheaded at times, as much as I adore the man.

I think the real problem in the fandom is a lack of faith in the writers, and while on some shows that could be justified, I don't believe Fringe qualifies.  The writers know where they want to go with it, and have known from the beginning, and Jeff Pinkner (the executive producer) seems like a pretty hard-core shipper to me.

Agent Charlie Francis, I will miss you dearly.  But you can always guest star...assuming you're not killed off (but knowing Walter, you being dead will mean nothing anyway).

alias, bitching, rambleage, fringe science is the best science ever, lost, concerts

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