Let's dance to joy division

Jul 02, 2008 23:27

I'd update more often, but my life has been somewhat boring lately... but I'll see if I can't find something to blather on about.

Mostly I spend a lot of time with my sister. She's going to turn 15 years old in December, and sadly, driving everyone insane. As is the current trend with her age group, she runs around calling everyone "fatty" and "ugly" among other insulting terms. I just don't understand how this entire generation is completely okay using these words as terms of endearment. Maybe the "endearment" lies in the fact that they can hear this, know it is focused on them, and realize that it is not meant in a serious/hurtful manner. I don't know. But I kinda hate it. My sister called me "ugly" a few times, and I let her know right away that this may fly with her almost-15-year-old friends, but it is not going to fly with me and I will stop communicating with her if it continues. Also, she uses these terms if I do something that she does not enjoy. If I don't give her what she wants, then no one likes me. I'm hoping she grows out of this. But anyway, we usually go out for a while each day. Actually, we've gone to the mall a lot lately. I'm really sick of going to the mall, now that I think about it. Though a few times it was because we were running errands for the parents, not out of our own accord.

Not only do I go to the mall, but I also go to Massachusetts! Exciting, I know. I don't really want to mislead you though, I've only gone to Massachusetts once. Well. Twice, if you count that time I went to Six Flaggs. This summer, I mean. So twice this summer. The other time was this past Friday when Peter and I went to visit the infamous Bryce. The infamous Bryce being Peter's friend from RIT who is currently interning at... this place... and has yet to be asked for any rent for his furnished, cute apartment. We left here about 4:45 pm, got gas, and then embarked on a journey on which we got lost because surprise! Peter deemed it unimportant to figure out which exit we needed. Such is life, I suppose. And so we drove around Lowell for a good 45 minutes while I threatened to throw Peter's new laptop, Hannelore, out the window. My only request? Sustenance. I was really hungry. About 7:30/7:45 we stumbled upon Bryce's apartment buildings and hopped into his car, then drove to the Olive Garden where delicious Ravioli di Portobello was had (by me. Those other people had salmon and pizza.) Then there was dessert. I ate some White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake and then I thought my stomach was going to explode, but it did not. Thankfully. Following dinner, we went to see Wall-E which was completely adorable. That ended about 11:30? maybe? Then we went to Bryce's apartment, and hung out for a while, before heading home at 1am or so. Also, Peter made fun of my "designer flip flops" because they were from New York and Company. But they were on sale! 2 for $15!

Also, recently I spent a night at my Aunt's house to babysit my favorite cousin, Patti Carol. Of course, my sister came too. There was a considerable more TV watching then usual when I'm visiting their house, but we watched some Disney and made Strawberry Shortcake (being a culinary genius, I even made the shortcake. Using Bisquick.) The next day we went to mass at 11:30 am, and then we went to the Aunt's country club to go swimming because we were melting due to heat. I mostly read The Monsters of Templeton which I completely loved and read in about a 24 hour period. I love to check out reviews to see if I agree/disagree on Shelfari - a lot of people seemed to think that the book was complicated and had to many details that weighed it down, and didn't have a lot of significance. Personally, I thought it was fine, I just didn't get weighed down by all the details and did not assume they all held great importance to the center plot, and bookmarked the latest family tree. If she hadn't included the family trees I probably would have gotten frustrated and had to write it down so I could follow.

Today I saw (from a distance), Paige, Kayleigh, and Erica in American Eagle. I do not wish to revisit high school, and I really don't like Paige. So I avoided them like the plague and hid behind clothing racks (mature, I know.)

I really enjoy "Let's Dance to Joy Division" by the Wombats. I'd like to thank Trojal for sharing that. Also notable is "Phantoms in the Sky" by Emptyself, which Peter decided to share with me earlier this evening.

I kind of want to cut my hair off. Taking care of long hair is a lot of work.

Well, this has been fun, kids. But I'm tired of writing, and you're probably tired of reading, so thus concludes another entry, straight to you from my brain.

adventures, music, sister

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