The sky is falling off the ceiling.

May 19, 2008 22:40

Not having anything to do leaves me with way too much time to think. As we've already discussed. Mostly I think about my insecurities. One of my many flaws. It would be amazing if my insecurities do not eat me alive this summer. I need to stop thinking so much. That means I should probably find something to do with my time. People usually have hobbies, don't they? Sadly, during the year I don't have time for hobbies. Probably why I don't have anything. And I get bored quickly. Knitting didn't work out well. I'm afraid cross stitch won't hold my interest for very long either. I feel like I go through this every summer - trying to find a hobby to keep myself together. So I don't worry about things.

Speaking about worrying of things. I feel like people have a tendency to make that resolution, to stop worrying about the little things. Maybe it's a defense mechanism. Maybe we worry about things that don't matter, the little things in life, because if we worried about the important things... well, we'd drown in the importance of it all and we wouldn't make it out. We'd all go, "but this is important" and the stress of it all would be unbearable. So we worry about unimportant things so that if we get too carried away we can just tell ourselves that it isn't that important, and that will bring us back to earth, calm us down. Or maybe that's just me. Does that even help?... well, perhaps it doesn't really help, but it sounds like it should. But who gets to decide what constitutes as "important" and what is "unimportant"? I suppose that would be particular to each person. Maybe there really isn't that is all important and worth all of our time and stress and mental well-being. Maybe our mental well-being is important and worth something. Maybe if we worry about our mental well-being and let everything else take a backseat it will all be much healthier and fall into place. Maybe that's just wishful thinking. But it sounds nice.

So he hasn't said anything about my letter yet. By a show of hands, who thinks:

a) He just has nothing to say.
b) The letter was eaten by rampant ferrets (totally possible, the letter wasn't that big and it was on thin stationary paper. Also, ferrets kind of creep me out) and will never reach him. Ever.
c) He wrote me a letter back to conform to my form of communication and it just hasn't gotten here yet.
d) He doesn't really care. He burned it. To make fire. Ohhh. Fire, pretty.

I did stuff today too! And yesterday. Yesterday I went to my Aunt and Uncle's for dinner. Which was lovely. Except for the part where my mother made me sound like a total princess. Who is also a snob. Granted, that may be partially true. But she made me sound awful. For instance, she said I only drink Starbucks. Which is not true. I've only had Starbucks twice since I've been home, and that was with giftcards. I've had Dunkin Donuts and Honeydew quite a few times. And I can't really remember the other examples, but she completely exaggerated and my family was probably thinking "What did we ever see in her?!" Well. That's an exaggeration. They probably weren't thinking that. But they probably weren't thinking anything very good. I wouldn't have. And then afterwards my sister yelled at me for hogging the conversation. Which totally was not true. There may have been a brief period of time in which I talked to my Grandpa and Nan which involved a whole lot of me talking, but I just got home from school and I haven't seen them in a long time and they asked lots of questions. Blerg. I didn't hog the conversation. At least I hope not.

Today, I located my favorite Trail Mix and got a free standing garment rack to put in the basement for some of my clothes. I also got aggravated with my sister (but that's nothing new), returned something for my mom at Home Depot which, sadly, took me forever to locate. Umm... I ate an english muffin and some banana and iced coffee from Honeydew... that might be about it.

Pretty. Odd by Panic At the Disco (apparently they dropped their exclamation point?) is, indeed, pretty odd. I don't know how I feel about this.

hobbies, worrying, greg, adventures, fam

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