Take this sinking boat and point it home

May 17, 2008 21:04

I've started trying Kakuro, which is like Sudoku, however the focus is to add up the numbers to match the clues. Nothing in an answer can overlap, and you have to make everything fit into the puzzle and it is the most aggravating thing, I swear. These puzzles seem like they just don't have a solution.

My past few days have been eventful! So exciting. Yesterday, I went out with my Grandma for lunch. My Grandma is rather feisty. We stopped by a house she owns that is currently being rented out, because her tenant was complaining that the next-door neighbor was overstepping his boundary. So we went over to the house, she took pictures documenting the illegalness, and then proceeded to drag the offending "items" (a birdbath and garden swing over the boundary line) back to his lawn. Then we we were going to go to Newport Creamery for lunch, but before we got fully in the door she saw him eating so then we went somewhere else to eat. Then I came home, and went shopping with my sister. She got a dress from Abercrombie and Fitch for $19.90 (shocking, I know), and I got a dress from Charlotte Russe. And a t-shirt. I'd show you, but I couldn't find them on the Charlotte Russe website. And then I got a call from Stacey after dinner (consisting of a Fuji Apple Chicken Salad (that didn't have any apple or walnuts on it, for some reason. That was rather annoying), who asked if I wanted to go to Uno's for dessert/drinks with her and Josh. Of course I did. I was there for a few hours and I had a pomegranate margarita which was delicious. And strong. Today I had my cousin's first communion, which really means I went to a restaurant and talked to my Grandma, Aunt Sue, cousin Jayme, and then watched my cousin open the present we had given her. I also went on a very long walk with my sister and Finny, during which there was iced coffee to be had. Now I'm failing at Kakuro. Yay...

My parents are watching Cloverfield. Pretty much gave me motion sickness. Blarg. If it were up to me, we'd just be watching more Criminal Minds with that cute guy.

adventures, kakuro

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