is it wrong...

Jun 03, 2012 19:44

Is it wrong that I have let some bitterness towards a fellow artist be part of what is driving me to beat her in the arting community I'm in... even though it's fanart?

It's kinda sad. I DO want to get better and yes part of me does want that little bit of recognition/praise, just a little. The bitterness part comes from this annoyed part of me. There was a art/fic trade off. I had done it for a few people.. none of which seemed to hold there end of that trade, except one ..kinda. And this one artist who is great, totally flaked on me. They're kinda slow at getting art done for people I noticed. The artist did tons of art later, and originally said the piece she was doing for me was almost done.. Eventually when more than half a year past I just asked for what they had, telling them I'd love it anyways. They never responded. So the annoyed bitter part of be flares up everytime they post new art. And it sucks, because I like their art and like supporting them, but I hate FLAKERS. SO thus I have made a twisted goal to out art them. so wrong. >.< But hey at least I'll get better?
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