
May 17, 2012 05:36

Just watched a clip on YouTube of a new therapy for Alzheimer patients. In it they go over how they use the art of storytelling to communicate with each other. Basically looking at some random pictures and making up a story. Some people found this to be a break though in communication after their loved one didn't remember them, and telling them memories only frustrated the person with Alzheimer. Link is below.

Alzheimer has always been a sensitive spot for me. Some of you know my grandmother had it before she died. I was happy and lucky to have spent what time with her before she went. My worry now is that my own mother will have it. I hate to say it but I think already see signs of it. Which is a lot earlier than my grandmother. Part of me worries for myself. But really I'm just worried mainly for my mom. I know stress doesn't help, or so I've heard, and she has plenty.
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