Life threw us a surprise party today and all I got was this fucking t-shirt

Feb 16, 2007 17:19

Life keeps happening. With or without you. You can ignore it. Or avoid it. Try to run from it. totally rail against all of it and fight and kick and scream. Drift along with it. Deal with it. We have lots of choices.  You just can't 'deny' that it's going to keep happening. Sometimes I sit here and think... okay, this month's bills are paid, got food, got heat, got friends, got love.... soooo I'll just sit tight anddddd... yeah.... I'll just sit here in my little cozy house and I won't let anything in unless I've made sure it won't fuck up my happy little world andddd.... yeah. It just so totally does not work. I've got that. I know that. Every once in awhile the universe feels for soommmmmeee reason that you know... we gots to sit down and rediscuss this piece of enlightenment. ::LE SIGH::

Some asshole ran Ben off the road today while he was borrowing Ian's car. This asshole from dick town does all this fucked up shit with driving reckless and cutting Ben off a couple of times then cuts in front of Ben and makes him pull over and then he jumps out with a crowbar and just fucking loses it.  All over Ian's car. And then went after Ben when he tried to stop him. Total whack job. Luckily Ben didn't get hurt. He was quick. But Ian's car came out with some scratches and shit and a busted out back window and a busted out door window, couple of little dents and scratches around the window frames and stuff. In these moments I'm always quick to point out and be thankful that no one got hurt. I mean it could have been so much worse. The damage to the car even could have been worse. The guy took off but Ben got his tag number and the cops showed up and this lady who saw the whole thing from the time the guy first started driving crazy pulled over and waited and gave her statement. So, you know, justice hopefully will be served.

BUT STILL! I don't think I've ever seen Ian so pissed before. But he totally maintained you know. He's pissed but he's actually that level of pissed where he's being totally reasonable and practical. Insurance stuff has already been handled. I mean, damn, Ian has new windows being put in Monday morning. They come to him even. And insurance is covering it. Minus the deductible of course. But even that, we are able to handle. SOOOOOO... at the end.... everyone is okay and everything will be okay.

But you know... at the same damn time... some fucker, for his own fucking reasons, selfishly and well... like a fucking cocksucker, just spread all his hateful bullshit all over a bunch of other people who totally didn't need it right now and... well hell... I don't think any of us deserve that kinda fucking day.

What do you do when that happens? Whew some fucker just walks up and hands you a huge box of rage and walks off, leaving you holding something that wasn't meant for you in the first place. Fuck. That's just so fucked up. I think I'm so super pissed too because I don't like being a victim. I don’t like people I love being victimized. It's like... who gave that stupid fucker the right to ... to take control of our lives. Even if it was just for a second and even though it's like... you know... totally FIXABLE... it's still not right. It's not fucking right. I mean... fuck... what if Ben hadn't jumped like a rabbit and miss that tire iron? What if the next time this guy is feeling like spreading his cocksucker fucking day around to the rest of the world... what if it's some soccer mom with a wagon full of kids? Or fuck. Anyone. But you know... fuck. rarrr There are still to many fucking soulless cretins out there who think that the rules don't fucking apply to them. Everyone who wants to act like a brute or a thug or a savage... fine... let's round them all up and dump them on some fucking island and let them beat each other with sticks and coconuts.

Anyway. So, send super hugs & calming tranquil thoughts out to Ian and Ben if you can spare a few. :)  I think they might have won this week's "Welcome To The Suck" award.

P.S.  Also... if you're not a hugger, I know that comfort can always be given in the form of ... rum and other dark liquors. I don't know... some kind of shot that men drink over broken cars and fights where you retell the story all night and... I don't know... I've seen it before. I find that when men have fights or car wrecks they like to go drink with other men and slap each other on the back and... I dont know, just growl like a bunch of bears.  Yeah.. kinda weird. Anyway....  You get what I'm saying right? Good. Okay. Love to you all. I haven't written for awhile. But whatever, we'll talk about that later. ::hugs:: love you all muchly. Stay safe.

P.P.S. I lied... there was no fucking t-shirt.


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