Adventures in Parenting #421 - The Knitting CirclesAnd by Knitting Circles, I mean the other mom's that bring their kids to the park and sit aroung chatting. So today around 2 pm, I went over to one of the mother's houses that I met last week - I had some things to drop off and figured I could see if she wanted to take her kids to the park. She
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Comments 28
If I spent all that time cleaning, it would be for nothing. I swear, Jr has has a radar or something - the moment something gets cleaned he's right there to put his mark back on it.
Cooking - something I sometimes do late at night when we get home from the studio. Sometimes.
Yeah, Boomer and I will figure something out that's easy. And I do cook sometimes - pasta or soup or hamburgers. But certainly nothing that takes hours.
Bwah! Sheeya. Right.
WeeOne called everyone BOB! for weeks and weeks. We still talk about it. Oh, good times. Good times.
::pats you::
So what if I need cooking lessons and follow online recipes to.the.T.? Every now and then I wow Hubby with something new and all's good. Otherwise? The easier, the better, I say. I'd rather be with my kids anyways, than slaving over a fricken hot...what's it called again? oh, yeah...stove.
I forgot to say - that made me laugh so hard. Thank you for sharing that. Being called Dada doesn't seem so bad now. *g*
But then again, maybe that's yet another reason why I'm not married. Hmmm. *ponders*
Nope, he was due home at 6:30. So not only was she cooking a fancy dinner. She was cooking a fancy dinner that took HOURS. And on a monday, so it wasn't even for a special occasion.
Boggles my mind.
Seriously, right there with you. I mean, I wipe off the tray, but he gets stuff crammed into every crack. Worse still is the wall near his chair. When we paint, I think we're gonna need to use high, high gloss. Perhaps even rubber or something so it's easy to clean.
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