I'm sure those of you who care already know, but I'd just like to point out that all the stories for
mcshep_match have been posted, and let me tell you there are some awesome fics in Team Angst. (Err, the fact that I'm on Team Angst in no way biasis my opinion *g*)
The problem is, with so many awesome fics, it's easy for a few to fly below the radar, so I must pimp pimp pimp the fics, as well as I can. Voting ends Wednesday when all the authors will be revealed, but in the meantime, if anyone wants to read and vote, please do!
Some awesome Team Angst recs:
Invisible Prisoner - This just blew me away. John is trapped in his own body, and the author is just relentless, letting us experience everything he must be going through without ever making it over the top.
A Pan of Gold, and Water - I was just amazed at the AU created here. John, Rodney, Teyla, Ronon and Elizabeth, all part of the gold rush. Sweet (and angsty, of course) and just lovely.
Ascending Order - I love John's POV here. It's funny (and angsty, of course) and there are just so many lines that I want to quote, but instead I'm going to insist you all go over and read for yourself. :)
[shift] Reality - Wonderful take on alternate realities.
Life (sometimes it washes over me) - This was just...wow. AU, John and Rodney as teenagers, runaways, learning who they are. Just...wow.
Machinery of Night - Creepy. Scary. Hot. And Rodney being the strong one.
Sing the City Electric - Genius. Just plain genius. Atlantis as a musical (and angstly, of course).
Really, so many great fics. These are just to whet your appetite. It's late, and don't have time to link them all, otherwise I would. 24 great Team Angst fics *g*. So go read and vote, if you get the chance.