(no subject)

Sep 20, 1970 14:21

I'm still nervous about the election (results come back tomorrow!) but overall I'm a little more creeped out at the moment. I just got a phone call from the guy who sits next to me in English, whose name is apparently Joshua. I don't know how he got my phone number, but he did. I didn't even know his name until he called.

Apparently, despite the fact that I knew nothing about Joshua, he knew plenty of things about me, phone number included. He called me (so he said) because he was wondering if we could "get together sometime to study for English class."

I sort of brushed him off, saying that I was busy this weekend and maybe we could work together later on in the year when I had more time.

The weirdest part about this whole thing was that I knew nothing about him…but he knew things about me. When I said I was busy, his response was, "Oh, yeah--you're busy running your friend's campaign for Student Body? Hey, Stel Barrett for Student Body President! I know I voted for her." I was completely speechless on the other end, and very glad that neither of us had turned on the phone's visual display. "Good luck with that," Joshua said after the pause. "I have to be going now, but I'll see you at school tomorrow."

I don't remember too much about the conversation except for the pervading weirdness of it all. It was like he had been stalking me- -he knew small details about me and my life that generally only my friends know. I'm just so creeped out that I can't find a better set of descriptive words than "creeped out"!

I honestly don't know what to think about this. A day ago I didn't even know Joshua existed. He was just the guy who sat next to me in English and (as I am just remembering) tried to read my journal over my shoulder on that one day where I brought it to school. But he called me "Kae." Teachers--Mrs. Edwards included--all call me Mikaela. How would he know my nickname when I didn't even know his first name?

So--not only do I have school, homework, and "office politics"--now I have to factor a possible obsessive into the equation. If this was a math problem, I could just cancel him out. However, this is seeming much, much more like a Lit question; it is reminiscent of a novel or an essay, in which conflicts must be resolved and ideas must come to their completions before they are allowed to disappear.

This is just another thing in the long line of events which have led me to hate English class.
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