Ace Attorney 1-5 Replay

Jan 17, 2010 03:08

Damn, it took me forever to finish this case. Can't justify taking off work for this countdown though. That would be bad and I'm already going to be out for training and other crap like a whole week anyway, so no free time for me and this projection. I've resigned myself to being permanently behind in this countdown if I don't get back on track later today.

Anyway, the case. This is my second time playing Rise from the Ashes, and I remember really loving it the first time because of all the cool stuff you could do. I also remember having to use the walkthrough almost the entire case because I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be doing or presenting. I still needed a walkthrough on occasion this time, but I was happy I could get most of it on my own.

Ema: When I first encountered her I thought she was going to be a Maya clone, but I was surprised to see she had her own personality and quirks. I love her character design. She's wearing a school girl uniform, but they make it more unique because of the lab coat. Her hair and glasses are cute too. I also loved that she was a total Edgeworth fan girl, but he didn't seem to pay much attention to her (except he does mention how she had grown).

Lana: I thought her character design was fitting to her personality when you first encounter her. It's a good, strong design and I took her more seriously than I did Mia because she actually covers up her endowments. She was annoying in that she kept insisting she was guilty the whole time, but given the situation that is understandable. On this playthrough I really noticed her sprites after she finds peace, and I found them extremely creepy. Children of the corn creepy. I prefer her cold stoicism, thanks.

Jake: I thought he was hilarious on the first playthrough because he was so ridiculous. I'm from Texas and we don't have quite so many crazy people like him where I live. His manner of speaking was spot on. We often say "fixin" when we mean "about to." I loved Gumshoe's comment about him being from West LA. I did find Jake annoying alot because he was hindering my investigation, but the story about his brother endeared him to me.

Angel: I found her a bit annoying on this playthrough, but for different reasons than the first. The first time I just thought she was annoying because of her testimony and such, but this time her little "Evil Ones" rant was kind of over the top to me. I'll touch more on this in another section, but it has to do with the whole "we must demonize the prosecutors" theme this case goes for. That being said, I love her character design. I think she's the first pretty Ace Attorney character that I encountered in the games. She did have her funny moments when she tried to charm the judge and all the bits with her lunches.

Meekins: Totally can't stand this character at all. The worst part about him his the megaphone screeching. This character is just too dumb to function and I hated having to cross-examine him. His design is fitting to his profession and personality.

Gant: When I first encountered him I honestly thought my game had frozen and broken. Then I learned that was part of his personality quirks. Gant was a little too jolly for my tastes, and I think that's why I thought the ending of the game was a little off this time around. After you prove him guilty and such, he acts all happy and jolly still talking about doing what he had to do. It's like the man had no remorse for killing Neil or Goodman. Does the game even explain why he killed Neil? That just bothered me because Gant acts like this is the only time he's ever done anything wrong in his career and that can't be true because he's probably done crap like that the whole time. At least that would make sense to me. Overall, I do like Gant, I think his sprites are great. He reminds me of Zeus in his hair and his beard. It's a pretty unique design. Gant also kind of reminds me of a cross between Redd White and von Karma. I like how he could get away with giving everyone a nickname.

Judge: He has a very funny moment where he thinks Gant plays with dolls because they talk about Lana being his puppet. I imagined that scene from Spaceballs when Dark Helmet has his dolls out and Col. Sanders walks in on him.

Gumshoe: I really loved Gumshoe in this case. I felt bad for him because he really tried to help you, and he got punished for it. I also loved the reoccurring joke about Gumshoe interrupting something. I was just kind of cute. You really get to see how much Gumshoe cares about Edgeworth in this case because he risked his job. I love that he says he's coming to work for you after he gets fired.

Edgeworth: I love and hate him in this case. I love that we get to see his office and explore that a bit. Spray it with the luminol and find a bloodstain that is either a nosebleed or him smacking the everliving crap out of Gumshoe. I hate all the retcon they do with his character and the games. Edgeworth was supposed to be the Demon prosecutor and now they just pretend like he didn't know about all those forged pieces of evidence. I also didn't like when he was groveling and apologizing at one point in the trial. It was out of character for him. This case also tried to emphasize too much that Edgeworth would never forge evidence. Sometimes when you say something too many times, you're just covering up what is really true. Maybe the creators thought that if they said it alot, the player would forget all that other information.

I did like the Easter Eggs this case, since it is a retcon, threw in. I noticed the Tre Bien Flyer and the KB Security safe. I know there were some others, but I can't recall them offhand. I thought there was something about Phoenix losing his badge, as a joke, but I don't remember if that was in this case or something else.

I also liked how this was case was relively on your own for solving it. There was that one annoying moment where Mia's visage helps you, but other than that, it seems like Phoenix has totally forgotten about Mia and Maya except for one other point (Gumshoe mentioning he's coming to work for you). Phoenix even says himself, "It's not like we can talk to the victims." I'm surprised that they didn't throw in a mention of Maya at that point.

As for shipping, Gant/Lana in a dubcon situation came to mind. Thinking about other cases, I think Redd/Gant would be an interesting dynamic. Gant/von Karma is always an intriguing one to me, but grosses me out a little as well.

I thought the ending was funny with the Objection yell and the finger print powder/character sketches.
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