Ace Attorney 1-3 Replay

Jan 11, 2010 03:32

Oh so very late, but thank someone I finally finished this. If I can play all of case 4 today, I'll be back on track

I thought I would never get through this playthrough. I don't know what kind of mental block I was having, but I just took way to long to get into this one this time around.

This is the third time I've played this case and I did notice one or two new things in this playthrough. I was much more interested in playing this one the first and second time, and I was surprised that I wasn't excited this time because I really love the Steel Samurai. I guess what makes me not like this case is the length and all the running back and forth between locations. I was happy that I remembered enough of this case to not need a walkthrough, but I did however mess up a few times, but none of them earned me a penalty.

I think this is my favorite case opening out of all the games. I love the Steel Samurai theme. I was glad that we didn't know who the villain was going into the case. I thought it made it more fun during the investigation phases and I think it had more impact when we did find out it was Dee.

Maya's comment about Nick being old at 24 always makes me laugh too.

Oldbag: I really thought her little rants were kind of endearing to her character. It was fun to try to read everything she said. Her character design was fitting as well. I remember their being something funny that Edgeworth says in cross examination about Oldbag wearing the costume, but I didn't encounter it this time. I'll have to go check the game script to see if I'm just making that up or if it really happened.

Penny: They really try to help yoy forget her name because they almost never say it in the game. I thought she was cute, but a little boring. The only time she ever gets excited is during that Ultra Rare card scene. Every other time her sprite movements are the same. She was helpful though, so that made her likable to me.

Cody: I remember him being really annoying on the first playthrough, but now I just found him to be kind of precious. Precious in an evil little kid sort of way, but precious still. I felt bad for him that he had to see his hero get vanquished before his eyes. He looked like a typical otaku type kid to me, so his character design was good.

Sal: He creeped me out the most on the first and second playthrough. His look alone does it for me, but I noticed how he stared at Maya on my second playthrough. His creepiest sprite is the one where his tongue is sticking out and he looks like he's about to pounce. I thought his look fit the localizations choice for his speaking mannerisms. I didn't have any trouble understanding him for the most part because I'm used to people speaking that way.

Dee: I don't remember liking her too much on the first playthrough, but on the subsequent ones she's kind of grown on me. She's a bitch, but "bitches get stuff done" as Tina Fey once said. Her character design is pleasing to the eye as well.

Will: I remember upon seeing him the first time and then seeing Jack I asked myself why. Why do the cute ones have to die and the ugly one live? Well, that still didn't put me off to Will because, like Gumshoe, he's a nice guy. I thought his design was fitting for a children's show actor in which the actor is behind a mask. Other than that, Will doesn't have a big presence in the case, so to me, he's also kind of forgettable. He's not overly whiny like Larry and you aren't OMG don't let Mia down concerned about him like you were for Maya. He's just there and you were kind of forced to be his attorney by Maya so the stakes aren't very high.

Maya: I thought she was cute in this case. She helped out a bit and made funny comments along the way.

Mia: I remember being excited to see her again on my first and second playthroughs, but this time I was kind of mad she was there. It seemed like it was another, "you aren't smart enough to figure this out on your own" cop-outs. Also, I felt that both she and Phoenix made some highly inappropriate comments at the end of the case talking about Power's situation. Then Mia says she was just kidding, but Phoenix says that he wasn't (to himself). It made me feel bad for Powers. That was really the only thing I had noticed that was new.

Edgeworth: This is the case where Edgeworth became more endearing because he helps out. If it wasn't for him, you'd have been screwed. Again, it's kind of a writing cop-out, but at least Edgeworth let's you do most of your own thinking for yourself. My favorite part of the case about Edgeworth are the crushing the hot coffee and the line at the end about being a Powers fan. When I first played, I was with Phoenix in thinking that Edgeworth was just being nice. Now I know better and it made me think about how Edgeworth felt prosecuting his hero.

The Judge: Still just the judge as usual. I had plenty of opportunity for penalties, but it seemed as if I he didn't dish them out. Not sure why really.

I didn't really ship anyone from this case the first time I played it. Now, I think I have some ships from this that could work or are just crack. First, how can we forget the famous "Unnecessary feelings" line. I honestly didn't see anything in that the first time I played this case. I read it how they want you to see it. That he feels uneasy and doubtful about his abilities around Phoenix. I like the yaoi implications it has too.

Other ships: You can have Will/Penny. I think that would be cute. Sal/Dee. I always thought that line about "taking" her in the van was funny and crack pairing worthy. Maya/Miles because they like the Steel Samurai and could fangasm over it together.

Overall, I thought the writing on this case was better than the second. It is an enjoyable story, but I think it loses replay value not because it is a bad case, but because it is overly long and complicated because of all the running around you have to do in order to get the evidence.

Now I must get some sleep because it's mid term reviews tomorrow. Oh dear.
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