I'm suffering guilt trips from the Munchkin and my mom, which is making me cranky and so things are not running along smoothly. Argh.
I realized today that I have somehow replaced my previous mantras of 'I hate you' with another phrase. I tend to mutter it several times in succession whenever overtly stressed or angry at myself. Once upon a time, I figured training myself to say something else, some other words with a more positive connotation, might help counteract the power inherent in words of hate.
Did you know that 'I love you' can be just as hateful?
I caught myself saying it today, in the automatic fashion I've somewhat successfully trained myself to do instead of the opposite; the casual venom in the simple syllables took me off guard. I suppose I'm too tired to rationalize/absorb everything the way I normally do, and now I find myself wondering if this is yet another mistake I've made in trying to correct myself in a way that seems to be further causing damage.
My mother made a very true comment today: "You are your own worst enemy."
Saw this on my Flist: Padded Bratz children's bras available in Vicky's.
I kid you not.
Saw the Deathnote movie (first one) and Monster House. Deathnote was odd. They rewrote the plotline as is usual when adapting a long series to a two-movie set, but the actor playing Raito...He annoys me. He's so damn skinny, but his face looks so damn chubby because of his jaw line. He does not look like Raito at all, whereas the actor playing L is very true to the character --creepy, socially odd, fidgety. Ryuk was weird, but definitely one of the better Asian CG jobs. The casting was odd, overall --I don't understand why they chose that particular actor for Raito, because he's not particularly attractive and I don't know if he's famous or not. The women were better cast than the men in general, which is silly because in the first movie at least there are more scenes with the major male characters than any of the females.
And Monster House...it was like they couldn't make up their minds what their target audience was.
There were some really scary scenes in it (the house creeping into the kid's room --fuck, that was intense), some really off-color humor inappropriate for kids, some seriously traumatic scenarios (near date-rape, an old man dying on top of a kid), sentimental fluff (the origin of the house), kiddy 'discovery' of the opposite sex....It was all over the place. It had some real potential, but the writers couldn't decide what to focus on and so it fell to little incoherent bits.
The ladies' room at the theater, BTW, had a massive ad beautifully curved along the long mirror that was for a new pad brand called Puffy's. I don't know about you, but a puffy pad is the last thing I think would be comfortable.