catatonicia, my dear, you will enjoy this one:
Gackt prostitution wank. As far as I can tell, anyway.
Those on my Flist who enjoy/know about Inuyasha, I offer some pictures passed onto me by
Cosplay Sesshoumaru...with yaoi paddles. Oh, just look at the pretty already.
Same cosplay, minus paddles. S/he looks pretty smug and content, no?
In other news, I've gotten a mosquito bite on top of another mosquito bite, and a big fat bite on my forehead. Dammit, there really can't be an ecologically sound reason these things exist --it's not like they're cross-pollinating anything except blood-carried viruses and parasites. Surely flies could substitute mosquitoes in the food chain? Especially the little black ones --shit, their bites leave behind scars! And their bites hurt.
I'm exhausted. I slept a good while, but...okay, so we wound up not going to the big family reunion, but instead decided to do a video conference thing over the internet at 7:30 AM here. I didn't sleep well because I kept anticipating that I would have to wake up shortly, but the plans fell through and we're all a bit tired and cranky.
But I have no energy. I would read a crack romance, but I'm too tired to focus on that. For some reason, I want to talk about ducks and how they waddle and how weird the word 'ducks' is.
I'm getting an authentic grown-up to look over my resumé one last time, then it's out it goes fer real realz this time.
Planning on going for another short jaunt to Singapore around the 26th, I believe. Advanced Photoshop class this time.
And just for fun, I revamped the majority of my usericons. A few often-used favorites are still there, but for the most part they're new to the journal. (A few have been used in years past, Oldies are goldies after all.)