(no subject)

Apr 24, 2006 10:14

It's always nice to rediscover fanfics you'd long lost track of. Ranma 1/2 was really the first fandom I dived into, despite my greater love for all things Sailormoon. Zen's Bitter End is one of the most cited works in the fandom, and takes a very realistic and very dark look at the abusive relationship between Akane and Ranma. Split Personalities was my first favorite lemony fic, and it involved Prince Herb and Ranko, and yes I was far too underaged for it, and though the ideas were fun and interesting, the actual writing was crap. So? Nyah.

I loved Prince Herb. He was awesome and I wanted to marry him. In retrospect, he was an earlier prototype for Sesshoumaru, though in many ways cuter. C'mon, the man blushed whenever he saw tits. Dare you to claim Sess would do the same.

Although the thought of Inuyasha trying to gain a temporary advantage in a battle by distracting Sess with the yell of,"LOOK! BOOBIES!" is bloody hilarious. Oh god, that's a doujinshi bunny right there.

I kind of want to read a fic pairing Herb and Ranma in all their aquatranssexual glory.

I tried reading this long fic by an IY author who had some excellent short pieces on Sess and his sword. Unfortunately, her long fic is saturated by OCs, and not particularly interesting ones either. It's rare that I can enjoy an OC in a fic at all; I have no patience whatsoever for entire chapters revolving around them, no matter how fully thought out they are. This author in particular just...fails. Her OCs are not meant to be liked. I don't even think they're meant to be sympathetic. And I find them bloody irritating, so why on earth must I be subjected to endless backstory about them? Just because they're not Mary Sues doesn't make them interesting characters.

Sailormoon Expanded is a massive fanproject where the fanfiction tries to expand on the storyline without contradicting canon. The first story I read in that ficverse, Refugees, was entirely about 4 Dark Kingdom underlings, and it was amazing. They were fully developed characters and they were interesting. I will have to reread them at some point.

fanfiction, plotbunny

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