I hate my life.
All the work I've done for Digital Tools --the fucking scanning, the leaves color project....GONE. Inaccessible. Irrelevant.
I woke up this morning having had a pleasant dream. Too bad real life is a nightmare. I didn't want to wake up. And you wouldn't either, if you dreamed that Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist had an LJ and wrote an entry directed to you:
Subject: Lillian...
I feel so betrayed, Lillian. But that's my fault.
And a later, fuller entry:
Subject: (none)
Did you enjoy yourself? Did you go out dancing afterwards? Were there roses to be had?
At least when I go dancing on the weekends, I get tipped.
I can't believe you let him touch you, that you shared his steak.
Er...apparently in my dream I go on a date I find mediocre, and the date holds my hand and shares a bite or two of his steak dinner with me. I write about it in my dream-LJ, and Roy is on my Flist, though I don't know him that well in the real world, and...he has a crush on me? And he's upset that I'd let the mediocre date touch me in any way. He also strips on the weekends for spare cash?
Such an interesting self-insert story...Later on, the fuzzy logic of my brain added a component where: I live in a communal home with online Harry Potter fans, the toilet is in open space adjacent to the living room, and Roy comes and visits the non-guest-accessible portion of the house to see me by ripping the door down. This gets me into trouble, as well as my Ravenclaw house since we're all part of a bigger organization of HP fans. I am known as 'Queen' and I am cited for poor judgment and letting Roy in...when he in fact broke in.
I really should just sleep forever. It's much nicer.