You know what? I'm going to pretend this week never happened. Yep, good plan there. Forget the craptastic stress of the past few days. I'm sure that, given a few weeks of emotional distance, I will look back on this month's entries and go WTF? Emo McWangsty much? But for now, it's concentrated misery and should be bottled up for all the emo Goth wannabes.
But before I write off this week as utterly hopeless and condemned to the banal corridors of my mind, I will wrap up by explaining the beauty that was Friday.
I wound up going to bed around 1AM, after four hours worth of tinkering with iTunes, downloading itunessetup.exe and reinstalling it multiple times, with changes to the basic way Windows starts up in msconfig, disabling Norton Antivirus Auto-Protect temporarily to remove any potential conflicts...and it still didn't work. So I went to sleep pissed off, which does not provide quality sleep for Lillian.
I woke up at 9AM, did my reading for Digital Tools, and grabbed my two CD-RWs, one of which has my Color Theory project on it, and the other has all the images I've scanned in to date. I figured I would drag all the items on both discs to the desktop of the Macs, since they're all the latest and greatest, with G4 or G5 processors and over 100 gigs hard drive space each. (I have done much drooling and wishful thinking whilst in class, oh yes.) Just before I left my room, though, I grabbed a third, completely blank CD-RW, because I've been having issues with them at the 3N lab and the Mac Lab Tuesday and Wednesday.
We get a lecture/instruction on various Photoshop-CS2 tricks and whatnot, which was useful, as always. Most of it was stuff I'd figured out, but having it laid out for me helped solidify my knowledge of the tools and filters and whatnot. And while she was speaking, she passed around her jump drive and asked us all to save a .jpeg version of our projects to the jump drive so she could put them up on the massive media display screen (which also is a massive touchscreen. Cool technology at its most expensive and flashy!) for the entire class to see. Now, prior to class actually getting underway, I pulled up my image and bitched wryly about how it was basically my life this week. The Ukranian?Russian? guy who always sits to my right wanted to see my layers and commented on the detailed work I did with the masks. The girl to my left,
who I saw Wednesday night as I was leaving and whose project looked vastly different from mine, gaped and said that I had made it sound like such a horrible ordeal, when it in fact turned out fine.
The teacher loved my image and recommended that when we do prints next week, I use that image. She didn't say that to anyone else, so SCORE.
Then the end of class came at 1PM. Another class in in there literally right after us, so we have to get our butts into gear. I put a CDRW in, and it went through the whole process of deleting and recording...and when I doublechecked just to be sure, the files were not on the CD.
Fine. Freaking out because it takes like ten minutes to do the massive file transfers, and people from the next class are pouring in, and I have to meet Joelle to head up to Columbia for a class field trip to see their private collection of emaki. I figured I would meet her at 1:05, and we'd take the subway up and be a wee bit late.
I didn't get out until 1:15 PM. I didn't meet Joelle until 1:22 PM. Plans for Columbia are fucked.
So we ditch.
After we hang out for a few hours, I finally check my CDRW to see if my work's on it.
It's there...just completely inaccessible. Cue panic and rage and general apathy.
Not a happy camper am I.
iTunes is still not working.
Fuck this.