May 29, 2010 09:59
At one point, it was possible to know everything about the known universe. Of course, this was several hundred years ago...
It was possible to know everything about chemistry, math, literature, languages (French, German, Italian, Greek, Latin), astronomy, religion (christianity), philosophy...
Sure, this isn't a lot compared to today's standards, or even compared to the standards of 100 years ago, even 200 years ago, but the idea of knowing "everything" is intriguing and a little daunting. Not the amount of stuff, but the idea that you know that there is to know.
The challenge of learning is fun. I enjoy learning.
I guess the idea of knowing "everything" is a little frightening because then there would be no challenge, and learning is a challenge I enjoy.
I know that no one today can know everything that there is to know, but the concept that someone could believe that he (because men were the educated ones at the time) knew everything that there was to know is clashing with my brain. Not because of the condescending or pompous nature of the concept, but because the idea that the world has been mastered is a little disappointing.
I have no clue where I'm going with this, or where this came from...
I guess education is my white whale... Perhaps my drug of choice?