Apr 26, 2010 17:12
I'm really tired of people getting paid to get signatures on petitions/people to register to vote.
These people are a particular brand of ass. They are pushy, and look for any excuse to insist that their first amendment rights are being infringed upon.
Today at the office, a petitioner came in and wanted to set up a table. The policy is that tables must be set up in certain locations because there are designated fire lanes, and narrow pathways where trucks may have to be, and there wouldn't be enough room for a table and a vehicle to exist in the same general area.
There is also a policy that all vendors (this includes petitioners) must give a three-day notice before they are allowed to set up on campus. This allows for paperwork (insurance, and security) to be filtered through the appropriate offices.
There is also a conduct/anti-harassment clause that all vendors must sign.
Pretty much says that they will not harass people, or be dicks while doing whatever they are going to do.
So, of course the petitioners feel that this all infringes on their rights to free speech.
Yes, because not impeding the flow of traffic, having campus security notified, allowing the campus to have insurance to cover itself in the event you get run over by a truck/break your leg/get hit by a falling tree limb, and not being able to disturb the peace are all bad things.
Thank you Gov-inator for vetoing a ban on signature-based paid petitioners/voter registration, and perpetuating a system where people are paid to be pushy asses.
The next time I see someone gathering petitions, I am going to ask if (s)he is getting paid. If (s)he is, I am soooo going to go off. Why? Because I am within my rights to express my opinion of people who abuse their Constitutional Rights in order to make money.
Right now, my opinion of paid petitioners rates right along side baby rapists and animal abusers.
At least suicide bombers are attempting to represent their ideals.