Discontinued Products

Jun 28, 2008 19:34

I was at the grocery store earlier, wandering around instead of helping my boyfriend shop because I was hit by a sudden case of the yawns, when I ended up in the toothpaste section and decided to check if maybe, just maybe, this particular supermarket stored my favourite flavour of toothpaste ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

dampersnspoons June 29 2008, 00:11:36 UTC
Ok, this post totally cracked me up. I personally, am not a name-brand person and BECAUSE of that I have an even harder time finding my favorite things since they're competing with the big-guns. Every single time I find a scented oil that I love, two weeks later...IT DOES NOT EXIST. Or a soap, or a candle...or a body lotion...ALWAYS. Perhaps I should be like you and buy in bulk so that these bastards will quit keeping things from me. :(


lunamystik June 29 2008, 11:49:02 UTC
Thanks for reading my little rant! Considering that an awesome amount of new products fail (and it's too early for me to remember the real stat, so I'll just go with 80%), it's enough to drive a consumer crazy! Kind of like how Fox never gives new shows a running chance and just pulls them off the air, all willy-nilly (man, I miss Wonderfalls and Drive and Arrested Development and...).


dragonflylady77 June 29 2008, 10:58:54 UTC
That's not weird at all! I tend to buy whatever is cheaper but if I like, I stick to it and get really really annoyed when I can't find it anymore..

I've loved and lost curry sauce for the chicken nuggets at McDonald's...

And OMG you quit chocolate??? *faints*


lunamystik June 29 2008, 11:52:54 UTC
OMG, perfect icon!

Yeah, McD's took away the hot mustard sauce I used to dip my nuggets in...

And yeah, after years of 'addiction' to chocolate, sweets, and desserts, I gave them up cold turkey. I'd been feeling sick for awhile and decided that fixing my diet could probably help. It did.

Par contre, je me suis repliée sur la caféine à la place... Mmm, un bon latté pour commencer la journée...


dragonflylady77 June 29 2008, 12:36:08 UTC
Is that the Golden Gate on your icon?

Le café j'ai jamais accroché, moi.. Le thé par contre, j'en bois un peu trop.. Et la barre de Cadbury Caramello le soir quand je lis les 'updates'... :D

J'ai pensé a un autre truc qu'ils font plus.. Eté 1996, y'avait une glace genre Magnum qui s'appelait Titan.. Ca me manque les Titans a la noix de coco. Et celui a la pistache aussi. Et les barres de chocolat Inca que j'achetais au lycée... *grand soupir*


lunamystik June 30 2008, 01:13:58 UTC
Oui, c'est le Golden Gate Bridge dans mon icône. La photo a été prise l'an dernier lors de notre voyage à San Francisco.

Bonne soirée! (Bon matin?)


rivertempest September 8 2008, 16:38:49 UTC
I know what you mean about discontinued items... :(

BUT! I think we still get Pink Dove here... want some? (or was that my own personal stash?)

I tried to give up chocolate, but I became a raving bitch and my husband begged that I return to eating the occasional Nestles candy bar.

You are to be congratulated - you're a strong woman to resist the pull/urge of that heavenly chocolate smell.... *is drooling now and going to get a piece of chocolate*


lunamystik September 8 2008, 18:28:02 UTC
You're so sweet to offer! I've since discovered Dove's Pro-Age soap - which is pink and has little scrubby things in it. Smells so good...

Let me tell you, giving up chocolate and sweets was NOT EASY. And people don't understand - I hear plenty of "but you could just have one piece." But if I only had one piece... I'd eat the whole thing! Therefore, no chocolate for me *pout*.

Therefore, I overcompensated and wound up with a caffeine addiction. Oh, well! Love the icon, BTW!

(and PS: they did discontinue my favourite chips! Bastards!)


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