The traditional New Year post

Jan 01, 2009 03:14

Well then. As years go, this one wasn't half-bad.

Wasn't great, but certainly wasn't as bad as some previous years. I'd rate it about a 6 on a scale of 1-10. Might have made a 7 if I hadn't broken my leg toward the end of it.

I was still unemployed for a few months, but not nearly as much as the year prior. I ended up in a job I don't hate (which I'll now have to hope I can cling to). Still married, so that's good. Still happy about it, so that's especially good. Elected a new president, always a plus.

Downsides: Dave's grandmother's diagnosis, my broken leg, the time I've missed from work, the financial issues (as always).

Overall, though, the good outweighed the bad, and that's the first time in a long while I've been able to make that claim.

So, seeya 2008. Thanks for not sucking too much! And perhaps we'll continue the improvement with 2009.
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