Rock the Vote

Feb 24, 2010 19:47

After a long and kind of bumpy day at work it is such a kick to come home and find an email informing me that I've been nominated for "Best Adult Fic" at the rhr_awards! What a fabulous surprise!

Voting is FINALLY open at hg_silverlining for our 2009 Silverlining Awards, celebrating the best in Harry/Ginny art & fic for last year. Voting will continue until March 9th. So please go forth and VOTE!!

* Of course I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I am up for a few categories in these awards as well, including Lifetime Achievement Award, Steamiest Fic, Best Characterization of Ginny, and Best Comedy/Parody...

Thank you to everyone who nominated me for these awards. I'm really, truly flattered. ♥

silverlining, nominations, awards, h/g, r/hr

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