Thanks to everyone who participated in the second annual Silverlining Awards! And for bearing with your dear mods as we had to postpone the voting later than we had anticipated originally. There are a lot of fantastic nominees, so please take the time to vote!
Voting will remain open until 12AM ET Tuesday, March 9th and winners will be announced no later than Sunday, March 14th. Voting will be done by secret ballot. Please only vote for one entry per category. We are also asking that everyone be given an equal chance in the voting. There are so many wonderful authors and artists out there and everyone is deserving of recognition for their contribution to H/G. So, we ask that you vote wisely. Also, please note that due to lack of nominees, we were forced to remove the category for Beta of the Year from the voting polls.
If you experience any difficulties or have any questions, please let us know by commenting on this post. If there are any changes that need to be made to links/names, this post will be edited later to include the new information (notes to be attached at the bottom of this entry. Thanks!
Poll Silverlining Awards: Best of 2009 (Part One) Poll Silverlining Awards: Best of 2009 (Part Two)