5 Things You Didn't Know About Luna Lovegood

Dec 01, 2013 02:23

5. Luna loves muggle music.
Her mother used to listen to the muggle band Led Zeppelin, and Luna grew up really loving them. As she grew she developed her own sense of music style, but muggle music was always it. Her top three favorites are:

A. Elvis
B. Abba
C. The Beatles
A lot of times when she's humming to herself, she's humming a muggle tune. Hence why people don't recognize it.

4. Luna has a fascination with water.

Baths when she as a child were nothing like most parents nightmare. She truly enjoyed being in the water. She loves everything about it. In fact, if she comes across a pond, creek, or even a decent puddle she'll stop and stare at it. It's like looking at the world before it started.
It always blows her mind when she thinks about how a seed only needs a bit of sunlight, and a ton of water to grow into a grand tree.
She spent a few weeks in Greece after school and the blue water was her favorite part. She hopes to visit the Carribean to see the water there as well.

3. Luna did date while at Hogwarts.
She didn't realize it at the time, but these dates were a secret due to her reputation, but a boy did ask her out while she was in her third year. They had a private date in Hogsemead and another date for the Yule ball. Though he met her on the dance floor, only danced with her for three songs and then left with his friends. Later that year she turned him down for another date, because she realized he was too embarrassed to be with her for real, and she deserved better.

4. Luna owns a dog.
When she left Hogwarts, before she went away to study plants, her father bought her a dog to keep her company. She is a beagle, 8 months old when she got her and she named her, Selene, after her mother.
Selene travels everywhere with Luna, and she's a very well trained dog with a great sense of adventure. She tends to bring Luna small rabbits and chipmunks as gifts.

5. Luna had a rather large crush on Harry Potter during school.
It probably started like everyone elses crush on Harry started. He was famous, talented, and actually really good looking. As she got to know him, and when he treated her as a real friend, her crush definitely turned into friendship...slowly. Very slowly. She finally stopped having a crush on him right around the time that Harry and Cho began dating/notdating. By the time he began dating Ginny, she was quite happy for her friends.
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