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lunais_cross May 13 2012, 01:57:53 UTC
I've skimmed the wikis for them and watched a few videos, but Marble Hornets is the one I follow with any real diligence.

EverymanHYBRID is really interesting to me, though! I like how they've kept up with an ARG format and actually sort of cultivate a relationship with their viewers, like the stuff that recently happened with Green Feathers, for instance. I think it falls a little too much on the western horror side of things? It's way more bloody and violent, and HABIT is a villain straight out of B movie. Marble Hornets is very minimalist in comparison, almost verging on a psychological sort of horror at times, whereas everyone in EMH is like "/SPEWS BLOOD" or "/VIOLENTLY MURDERS A DEER WITH BARE HANDS" or "/STABBY MCSTAB STAB." I don't think it's bad because of this; it's just another take on the Slenderman mythos that's equally as valid as what everyone else is doing.

on a side note: holy shit though Evan fucking makes EverymanHYBRID. I was kind of "meh" on the series until he admitted that where everyone else wants to ignore what's going on and try to live a normal life, he just wants to kill Slenderman. He tries to take a fucking bat to the guy and manages to not be dead at the end of the encounter. He keeps an emergency machete under other peoples' cars. He killed a deer with his bare hands and then got pissed when his friends tried to pull him off it. I don't think I've seen a character this shithive maggots before.

He's also surprisingly well-acted sometimes??? OUTSIDE HELP blew me away the first time I watched it, with what little bits of the fight choreography in the basement we get to see (do you know how difficult it is to get people to pull that kind of shit off) and p. much the entirety of Evan's prolonged phone freak out.

I just have a lot of feelings okay

I'll shut up now


jadelana May 13 2012, 02:50:56 UTC
Heh, I will admit it: Most of those things scare the pants off me. I have a hard time analyzing it because I'm too busy wondering if that bush outside the window is moving on it's own accord or if my feet are touching the ground. I think it's also got to do with the people I watch it with. I don't, can't watch it alone. They're really big into the mythos of it all and one of them is super big into the Rake, oh man. It doesn't help that one of them legitly coughs a lot and I'm perpetually cold. :(


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