Okay, so I was just on YouTube, trying to find a video with Mass Effect video with Garrus Vakarian's voice (don't ask why). The one I found was one of those play-through vids that people make to show all the cutscenes and how to beat the game, and I figured a few spoilers would be worth listening to the turian. So I'm watching, and there's this sorta boring conversation, and Shepard's threatening people, and then the party members talk for a bit...
Then I heard one line that made me stop dead.
"What was that all about?"
And then I was like, "aslkdasjdADLKFALKSDFJ WAS THAT CARTH?"
I looked it up, and sure enough, Raphael Sberge voices Kaidan Alenko in Mass Effect. Apparently Kaidan is also a romance option for a female Shepard, like Carth in the first Knights in the Old Republic game.
But seriously, guys. One line. One simple, unimportant little line and I was able to recognize the voice (then again, Sberge has a rather recognizable voice, so meh.) WTF, self? I really need to lay off the KOTOR.
In other news:
Charlie the Unicorn 2. Sweet Christmas, you guys, it's even more surreal than the first video.